Dear Kadambar Vijay, I'm looking at the photo now. in SRM Nataraja in Art, Thought and Literature
Caption: Fig. 174 Nataraja dancing on bull with vina. Pala. 10th century A. D. Ranihati, Dacca Distt. Dacca Museum.
My comments: No sword overhead, holds Nag instead, vina w very small resonator gourds. [Ganga proper rt. has Nagini canopy, odd] & Uma [proper lft] on either side at feet. Oddly, Nandi has buffalo- type horn - head looking up as in yours. 12 arms also but rear arms lifted w fingers of 2 hands touching at top of crown. Fuller arms & legs. Dancers and musicians below front are carved as part of the base. Also very lovely but fuller face.
text: p. 292 "The other one which was found at the Deul of Ranihati in Dacca district has been acquired by Mr Haque, Dir. of the Dacca Museum. The figure here has twelve arms. Seshanaga is held up as a semi-circular canopy above; the bust of the nagaraja w his hands clasped in adoration is seen to the right in continuation of the reptile body. Another pair of arms carry the rosary, drum, trisla and kundika, while the last pair suggests abhaya and varada. Ganga to the right carries a water vessel in one hand and lotuses in the other. Uma, standing on the lion has the mirror in her rt hand and flowers in her left. The bull, with his head raised up, and the legs also in consonance with the dance of his master, is in great ecstasy, as may be seen from the curled up tail and the enthusiastic look of the animal. Bhrngi and Vatuka Bhairava dance on either side of the pedestal. There are other musical figures also. on top there are flying vidyadharas carrying garlands, and five deities: Ganesa Brahma Siva [?] Vishnu & Kartikeya."
Dear Vijay, I don't have a way of sending you the image from the book. No Scanner. Perhaps someone else in our group owns the book? It's such an important one for Saivas, hope you can find someone else who has access to it. C. Sivaramamurti Nataraja in Art, Thought and Literature .
Good evening mam Happy christhmas wishes, thank you for sending details of pala art idol, mam if you dont have a camera , just click that picture by your camera and send it. i will try to get it in chennai book fair.