Are there some other stories (novel) like PS, Sivakamiyin Sabatham and Paarthiban Kanavu (ok i read Solaimalai ilavarasi and first few chapters of Alai osai and they are not that interesting as the earlier 3)...
I am not that gud in tamil grammar so it is not possible for me to read tholkaapiam or periyapuraanam or so...
I am kindly requesting the Sangam members to give me some inputs regarding some gud historical (easily readable) written works....
all the novels mentioned are still under copy right ( kalki's was too for a long time ... which is why the some of the attempted sequels couldnt use the original names of the characters) and hence cannot be put on the net.
However, these books are available in print from various publishing houses - and are not too expensive. some online sites also sell these.