As Dr.Sridhar Ratinam suggested, we are happy to announce that we got the domain name CONSERVEHERITAGE.ORG locked and registered for ourselves. Slowly, we'll design and upload all our data base, members list, temples project taken, travellogues, and all heritage conservation articles and issues in to this web site. Member Madan will take care of the content and designing of the web site. All members who are in IT field, web designing industry can collaborate with Madan and join us in this web building task. So we have now THEBIGTEMPLE.COM and for us to take things to wider reach.
Dear Chandra like I said before we have the server and space we can use that for the conserve heritage as well personally I think we should have REACH.ORG or REACH.NET for obvious reasons Dear Vijay nice to hear from you after a long time#