Question about firearms..
  • Dear All,

    I have a few questions about the use of gunpowder/firearms in our country.

    1. What is the first known instance of the use of gunpowder in India?
    2. What is the first known instance of a gunpowder-based projectile
    (rocket-like) in India?
    3. When was a cannon first used in India? I read that at the First battle of
    panipat, Babur had 20 cannons while Ibrahim Lodi had none. Does this mean
    that the cannon was introduced into India by the Mughals?

    Would love to get answers to these questions.
  • hai arun
    as far as i know babar brought it in.
    The oldest evidence for the use of cannon is a relief carved by
    Buddhist monks in China in 1128, where a cannon is portrayed among
    other weapons of war. In the West, the use of cannon was first
    recorded in the battles of the early 14th century, for instance in
    chinese used to fill bamboo holows with gunpowder. if one side was
    sealed it was a rocket. if both were sealed then it was a bomb.

    though we have pictures of Mongols throwing bombs against a charging
    Japanese Samurai during the mongol invasion of 1281. however there is
    no record of them using such items during invasion of delhi in 1280
    during allaudin khiljis time
    during the same time malik kafur used fire balls( made of camel hair
    charcoal powder and dung) which was thrown using catapults on the
    warrangal fort. warrangal fort of pratap rudra had two walls. the
    space between the two walls were filled with ponds and rice farms. so
    they could defend themselves from a siege almost indefinitely. malik
    used these fire balls to burn the paddy fields and then starved the
    inmates into submission( year approximately 1300)

    interestingly, very recently those who made the trip to tanjore were
    able to see a cannon in a house whose inmates were kind enough to
    give us a tea. ( after seeing the cannon none of us even wasted a
    drop of the tea)
  • If babar had really brought in, then i think there
    would be a mention of it in vandhaargal vendraargal ..

    Does anybody have a copy of it..??
    If they do, then they can make a reference...

    btw, I have written a small article on historical
    Pizhaigal irunthaal thiruththikolgiraen.

    I am updating this every week....

  • Hi Venkatesh,

    Yup, I know before Babar, most of the sources cite only China for gunpowder.
    I was just looking for sources that identify the use of gunpowder by
    Indians. didn't know Malik Kafur used fireballs. If so is that the first
    instance of their use? I am sure that isn't the case. So when was the first
    recorded use?:)
  • Dear Venkat
    very interesting

  • Dear Natarajan,

    Thanks. But the question still remains, FIRST use of firearms/gunpowder in
    India? :) I checked on goole and there seems to be a book called History of
    firearms in india. Think I should get it!
  • Dear All,

    The earliest reference of use of fire(arms) in ancient
    warfare appears in Tolkappiam Stanza 7, section 2.
    Puraththinaiyial in Porulathikaram as:

    �������� ������ �������� ������ �������� ����������

    "iyanku padai aravam eri parantu eduttal"

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