I am Sathya. Two weeks back I was just looking out some maniyam/selvan's drawings of PS so that I can draw something to while away my time. Though I was disappointed for not getting the pictures, I felt happy to find out this site..
Good work and I feel proud of being this group member as well as the one who has read PS, PK and SS of Kalki.
I am a fan of historical novels especially written by kalki.
My favourite in PS is Azhvarkadiyan. I liked the portion wherever AK and Vandhiyathevan fought about saivam and vaishnavam.
Somehow I felt Kundhavai is very dominating in the story. Even balakumaran has written one novel on rajendra cholan. In that he has mentioned that she wants rajendra to be like how rajaraja was obeying for all her wishes and it had led some negative thought about kundhavai. I think the novel name is Anuki.
Expecting more views on kundhavai also in this discussion.
This should go behond 100 ( so we cant tell this as 50% or pon vizha so on)
This tamil years AADI month has started today. so i thought of reading PS again with its 1st chapter "AADI THIRUNAAL" Group mates , u can also try this.....
And had any one been to "KAATU MANNAAR KUDI"( or udayaar kudi) I read that there is an important evidence (kalvettu) about ravidasan is the killer of karikaalan....? It says that after arumozhi came to power he somehow found that ravidasan is the culprit and as he ravidasn is a brahmin arulmozhi didnt sentence him to death but sent him out of chola kingdom...
But still arulmozhi not able to find who encouraged ravidasan to do so.....
That place is actually "Kattu Mannar Kovil", and if Kattu Mannar Kudi and kaattu manaar Kovil are same place then there is no problem.Please chech this first. Then ,There in Kattu mannar kovil there is very old shiva temple( constructed in rajarajans period) . There u can ask the " Archagar" itself about the historical kalvettu.I read from the book that archgar will guide us to identify the kalvettu. All the best dilli
Hi Sathya, There is a village called "Mela katampoor"( Remember Katampoor kottai ) near KM.Kudi, buses from KM.Kudi to Eyyaloor and Aayankudi goes to that place. There you may get some evidence. I know there are some remainings of a temple built in later chola period.
Iam Viji just became a member in this group.I read PS when i was doing my 8th or 9th grade and still have been a fan of kalki.I have been trying to read his novels since then.So far i have read ponniyin selvan,sivakmiyin sapatham,parthiban kanavu and vanthiyathevan vaal.I would like to know whetehr i can get the latter two novels through any eshop in the net.Because my dad doesnt want to part with that so he has it in Madras.But i live in US so iam looking for it here.If you know any such sites where i can get these novels it would be great.
I have been reading teh recent mails abt nandhini its really exciting to hear that there are still people who go crazy over this book liek me.
And i have a few doubts?Do you know who is that lady who is poongodi's mom(in vanthiyathevan val)?Because i remeber that she stays in Malligai theevu and she was once the wife of raja raja cholan,correct me if iam wrong?did raja raja cholan murder karkikalan?
It is nice to see such a group and iam proud to be one in the group. PS la kuripitirundha yella idangalukkum poganum yendru nenaithen. But didn't get chance to see all the place. My mom is from tanjore so i have seen the palace and periya kovil. I have also seen nagapatinam (my father is from nagapatinam). I want to see kodikarai and other places. It is good that you guys are planing for a trip. At present iam in US and will be coming to india only by june. Can you guys let me know when are you starting. If possible i will also join you guys.
I wanted to say so many things, but, for the past one hour, I have been trying to figure out what to say and in which order and how to put my words. Anyways, Let me start with thanking Dhanya, whose article on Feb 14th 2002 was instrumental behind me starting this group. Her article which came yesterday has given a great publicity to our group. yesterday, every few minutes I was getting a notice in my mail-box that a new member has joined. Thanks to Dhanya and Santhiramathy for this.I'm sure our group's membership is gonna increase by a much larger number real soon.
On behalf of the group, I welcome all new members to our group. I'm hoping that we will have wonderful discussions about this Magnum-opus and chozha history in the future.
Although it makes me feel proud at this moment to have started this group, to be frank, till date the contribution to this group has been very minimal from me. It is S.Gokul, KamalakaNNam. Sridhar Rathnam, Pavithra, Sumeetha and others who are the guys who contributed substantially with their knowledge and time.
I dont think whatever words I choose would express how badly I'll be missing the "Mudhal Yaththirai". I'm hoping to make the "IraNdaam yAththirai" atleast:-)
I pray for the success of this trip and wish everyone to have fun without any problems.
Thank you onece again,
Ramachandran Mahadevan, Research Assistant, Washington State University, H-113,1920NE Terre View Dr, Pullman,WA,99163 Phone-509-332-5832, Lab:509-335-5977, 509-335-6955
Dear all, Its very encouraging to see a group getting interested in our history and making a historical trip to the places. There is a saying, those who dont know their history wont be making one too....
Best wishes to you all.
Can I make a request, can you all try to discuss this in our mother tongue tamil.
Its very simple to write mails in tamil, All you need is to download a small utility called eKalappai. Its free and only 999KB in size. Just follow this link. In 10 minutes time you will be able to write tamil mails.
Mugunthraj, We had thought about this earlier too. A lot of people said, the are browsing internet from their work and they cant install these fonts. Thatz y we are sticking to English. may be, I'll start a poll right now and if majority have no problems in reading/wrinting in thamizh. We shall do that. Ram
That was a very touching address..Keep up the good work.I feel the same about the mudhal yathirai especially knowing that Ill miss it by 4 days....Thats life.
Will try the Tamil fonts but it may be a struggle as my typing skills are limited to one finger typing anyway.
from what I understand we re from different walks of lifes from different places now that we have been interacting for a while Will it be nice for those who want to disclose their nature of work place etc...If they want to I know a few of us do it in all our mails...Just a thought.
As for me I am a Registrar in Cardiothoracic surgery Long hours...tired legs and eyes in Birmingham.Love reading .Wife's a paediatrician(who often wonders why is he spening time typing for the egroup when he has come home only at 2200Hrs.Little lovable boy aged 19 months.Parents in India kid brother Vet Surgeon currently doing Research in Arkansas and sister a dentist in Madras.
The main idea is knowing each other at a more depth than email ids.
Happy Republic Day
See you guys sometime
Dr Sridhar Rathinam FRCS Specialist Registrar Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery University Hospitals Of Birmingham Birmingham UK
Hi, Just to get back into the track. I personally feel, Kalki was a lil bit too late in bringing Ponniyin Selvan,the real hero of the story. By the time he came into picture, people were too impressed with vanthiyathevan's 'down to earth' image and had started considering him as the hero of the story(atlleast thatz what I did). May be Kalki dint scorte that much in project PS as the hero? what do u guys think?(adichukittaalum PS-ai paththi adichchuppOm) Ram
Ram, Though the Arul Mozhi gives the name of the novel, it is definitely VD who is the real hero of the novel. And I loved the way Kalki introduces Arul Mozhi for the first time. It was so sudden and unexpected.
hi all, im senthilkumar viswanathan a new member of this group. and i finished 5 volumes of PS, is a great novel i have ever read. hats of to amarar kalki.
and friends, anybody knows is there any website having sandilyans KADALPURA in word or pdf format, please let me know.
I am newbie to this group but not to Ponniyin Selvan. I was introduced to this novel by my mother when I was in my 5th grade. Like all of you I've read it many times since then. I believe its one of the greatest novels by an Indian.
When I was searching for some information to post in the 'Rajaraja Cholan' group , which I own, in Orkut.com, I came across the blog (Historicaljourneys) and was pleasantly surprised. I got the lead and now I am a member of this group. I was always fascinated about Tamil Archaeology and I had always dreamt about making such trips.
Hope I would learn a lot from this group and contribute as well.
This is Srideepa from Bangalore. I have read Ponniyin Selvan, Sivakaamiyin Sabatham and Paarthiban Kanavu. For long time I have been longing to discuss my thoughts about Ponniyin Selvan. I am an admirer of Amarar Kalki's works and want to explore more about that.
I am happy to find people who has same interest that of mine.
Vanakkam & vanthanam Happy to see another PS member from bangalore FOR PS , this is the best place u can get in web to discuss your views. if u have time , go through the archives , there are lot of very good discussion and useful information available In bangalore, we have countable active members. already they had one meet Have nice time
I am a new kid in this block. I just saw this group today afternoon. I joined immed. I first read PS when i was 12. I love PS more than anything. But i am also the fan of Sandilyan. If any body know from where we can download any of sandilyan's work in the internet like we have Kalki's works?
i am Ponniyin Selvan. very big hi to all of you. its very nice to see that u all are discussing about MR. Kalki and his writings. i started reading novels just few months before. And the novels i read are all kalkiyin padaipugal. in this short period i became as a kalki paithiyam. So far i ve completed only
Sivagamiyin Sabatham. Ponniyin Selvan Solamalai Ilavarasi Now my journey is going thru Paarthiban Kanavu. Still I have Alai Osai with me.
Could anyone tell me about wat r the other kalkis novels? And If anyone of you has soft copy of any other novel which is not in the above mentioned list, please send the novel to me thru email. If there is any link for kalkis novels, plese let me know that in your reply.
Its Happy to know abt yr Journey With Mr.Kalki's Novels and you can read his All Novels and short stories at chennainetwork.com .Pls try it on this website
Hi all, I am a silent member of this group. All of you are having a good knowledge about history.. I have read most of the kalki's book and found very interesting by reading it again and again Can you friends suggest me some other which you have read and find interesting.. Natpudan Gomathy.A
many would suggest (including myself) Sandilyan's Yavana Rani and Kadal Pura. if you have old (3 or 4 years) Kalki magazine, you could find a couple of novels by an authour called "Viswakesan". I found his novels entertaining and interesting. lucky for me my mother had those novels bound from the magazine.
You can find html version in project madurai website, pdf has been removed has it had many typo's. If you still need as pdf, i can send to you. The html version at project madurai is good version with many errors corrected.
> it will helpful if someone suggests whether we have > any pdf version of > PS online.
Dear Swaminathan,
I have cut and pasted an old mail of this group from Prof.Kalyanasundram, leader of Project Madurai. This mail has the URL of the PS PDF version. You just have the copy and paste the url into our browser.
I have been still a silent member of this team, observing all the discussions. I just thought of sharing my work with you guys, I don't know whether it is appropriate to say this here, but still I believe no one will blame me for sharing this. I started a blog on cookery and I have been working on this. If anyone of you find time and also have interest in cooking related stuff, you can visit my blog ( http://kayalcooks.blogspot.com ). Please do tell me ur suggestions and innovative ideas to improve my site.
I am very sorry if anyone finds it inappropriate here and my thought is totally to get suggestions from my friends.