Stone Vimana of Vikrama Chola period temple lying in ruins
  • I think this is a Samahi , a burrial place!
    Check if there is any inscriptions!!
  • It is very sad that our ancestors efforts are in ruins.Government should
    take actions to care for these temples. Instead of building new temples,
    efforts should be contributed to save these ancient temples.
  • dear chandra, 1018 doesnt sound right if its Vikrama. Rajadhiraja was
    crowned co regent in 1018 and ruled with Rajendra Chola till 1044. If its
    1118 CE is possible, but K 1 ruled till 1120. but he was very much involved
    in vengi from much before
  • May be 1118 - typographical error? ulothunga 1 was 1070-1120. Vikrama might have been a coregent ( as usual at kanchi)
  • Yes, typo error 1118 is right :)
  • It is not the duty of government to get into religious affairs, let alone manage temples. These are better managed by private individuals and trusts.

  • Yes GRS
    The Government can enjoy the wealth of the temples and it can not maintain the temple. But will collect donation for renovation and take bribe from every supplier and enjoy.
  • I feel the best thing would be - Government control and toght vigil by heritage enthusiastic.

    Thiruvidaimaarudur must have been the best of Parantaga temple. In private hands.

    Entirely renovated and heritage thrown out. An ayyanar temple was built with thoseold stones. A single stunning miniature shows how much is lost. 83 epigraphs lost.

    When Eesalam plates were to be read, Dr R.N sircould not find the emaning of a word.

    Kanchi Mahaswami refereed toone of those lost epigrpahs which heĀ once read visiting that temple, clarified that point. Interestingly one of those lost epigraph mentions about Karikalan.

    When in Government hand - you can enter inside,see and atleast object. In private - Right
    of admission is reserved.

    Beautiful temples like Thiruvavaduthurai, Thiruppurambiyum, Kuthalam are in private hands.
    Can we take up with those owners for maintenance?



    > --
    > Thanks,
    > Chennaitian
  • The government runs ration shops too, and corruption reigns in it too. The answer is to get the government out of Temple Management. Let the Wealthy Hindus manage them. If Hindus do not step forward to support their temples, then the temples deserve to be ruined.

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