We would like to bring to your notice the error in the document on the Brahadeeswara Temple in Thanjavur.
In your information it states that the temple was built by Rajaraja Chola founder of the chola kingdom.This information is wrong.
The Chola kings ruled that part of Tamil nadu from the Sangam period 50BC to 400 AD and declined in power.
It was revived in 8th Century by Vijayalaya Chola who founded the mediaval Chola and ruled from Thanjavur. He was Suceeded by Aditha Chola Paranthaka Chola I who donated the Golded roof to the the Chidambaram Temple Followed by Gandiratthitha Chola who was suceeded by PranthakaChola II Rajaraja was his son.......
All the manes mentioned above are historical facts....It is true Rajaraja took the empire to great heights followed by the zenith of the empire under his son Rajendra's Rule but he is not the founder of the dynasty.
That would be distortion of history
We would be Grateful if this could be amended by removing the....founder of the chola kingdom phrase
Thank you
yours sincerely
Dr S Rathinam FRCS Specialist Registrar in Thoracic Surgery Heartlands Hospital Bordesley Green East Birmingha B9 5SS UK
In the information it states that the temple was built by Rajaraja Chola founder of the chola kingdom.This information is wrong.
The Chola kings ruled that part of Tamil nadu from the Sangam period 50BC to 400 AD and declined in power.
It was revived in 8th Century by Vijayalaya Chola who founded the mediaval Chola and ruled from Thanjavur. He was Suceeded by Aditha Chola Paranthaka Chola I who donated the Golded roof to the the Chidambaram Temple Followed by Gandiratthitha Chola who was suceeded by PranthakaChola II Rajaraja was his son.......
All the names mentioned above are historical facts....It is true Rajaraja took the empire to great heights followed by the zenith of the empire under his son Rajendra's Rule but he is not the founder of the dynasty.
That would be distortion of history
We would be Grateful if this could be amended by removing the....founder of the chola kingdom phrase
It is indeed a great privilage for any tamilian to see tamil art and heritage acknowledged to its value but at the same time it would also be the correct information.
With a Tamilian at the helm of Information ministry it would not be right to have incorrect information.
We will be very grateful if you could kindly augment the correction and changes Thanking you Sir
yours sincerely
Dr S Rathinam FRCS Specialist Registrar in Thoracic Surgery Heartlands Hospital Bordesley Green East Birmingha B9 5SS UK
In the information it states that the temple was built by Rajaraja Chola founder of the chola kingdom.This information is wrong.
The Chola kings ruled that part of Tamil nadu from the Sangam period 50BC to 400 AD and declined in power.
It was revived in 8th Century by Vijayalaya Chola who founded the mediaval Chola and ruled from Thanjavur. He was Suceeded by Aditha Chola Paranthaka Chola I who donated the Golded roof to the the Chidambaram Temple Followed by Gandiratthitha Chola who was suceeded by PranthakaChola II Rajaraja was his son.......
All the names mentioned above are historical facts....It is true Rajaraja took the empire to great heights followed by the zenith of the empire under his son Rajendra's Rule but he is not the founder of the dynasty.
That would be distortion of history
We would be Grateful if this could be amended by removing the....founder of the chola kingdom phrase
It is indeed a great privilage for any tamilian to see tamil art and heritage acknowledged to its value but at the same time it would also be the correct information.
We will be very grateful if you could kindly augment the correction and changes Thanking you Sir
yours sincerely
Dr S Rathinam FRCS Specialist Registrar in Thoracic Surgery Heartlands Hospital Bordesley Green East Birmingha B9 5SS UK