lets talk of some other kings/ Clans
  • Hi friends

    We have spoken lots about RRC and Mahendra/Narasima Pallava - Kalki's main
    heros. why not try and talk of other Kings / Dynasities. Maybe we can take
    novels about them and talk as well. Next popular Pandya ?

    “*Here the language of stone surpasses the language of man*” – Nobel
    laureate, Rabindranath Tagore
  • Also on Vijayanagar

    Please include them also

    I have a personal liking for Sriranga who tried to rebuild Vijayanagar once again after the Talakkotta defeat. Though a fallen one - He made a very great attempt.
  • dear sir,

      vijayanagara empire...

    I'm also have a request,

    it happened to read in a novel that, HARIHARA and BUKKAR opposed the Mohammaden
    invaders from the north and stopped their penetration in to south india..

    could you plsgive more details about this.

    Thanking you...

    sakthi sree
  • If you want something from me - then i need to read all the sources. My current knowledge on vijayanagar is as a reader only. If i need to write , then i should read much much more.

    Currently need 7 days of travel to cover places between trichy and tindivanam for Ramayanam series and hope to complete it in bits before june. I may complete Ramayan by end june. Then only can take up this. ,
  • Sir Whenever possible pls write.

    Our legendary members could write more about the other kingdomic details.

    It happened to see a book " the forgotten empire" which notifies the vijayanagara dynasty.

    Later pandys and cheras also had to be analysed which may give enough ideas for the novel writers and would reach more people.

    It happened to read somewhere that " PSVP " sticks with cholas. It's also a credit but it's better to come out of it by covering all the other kingdoms.

    There are lots of details in our history.

    Thanking you

    Sakthi sree
  • Hi,

    If interested in reading about Harsha and Amoghavarsha, read in the below site. Seems very small articles but one chapter regarding each famous king.


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