Erumbur near chidambaram
  • I came across this image recently.
    It is in a temple called Erumbur near Chethiathoppu. ( chidambaram)It is under ASI ( stae or central unknown)
    Looks it is RRC or Pre RRC period.
    The yoga siva ( the top 2 hands to be observed carefully)
    any one lnows about this temple?
  • i have taken this from ( checking for vlaisvara, sugreevesvara, etc etc)

    looks like a asi temple.
  • the top 2 hands are visible if you observe closely.
  • Madam/Sir,

    I heard from one of the jain temple here that their 1 thirthangara is an
    incarnation of shiva. is that stance correct?
  • One theerthankara - Rishabhadeva.

    But - Jainism is a religion which dose not specify on God. There stance is Asthi- Nasthi.

    ie may be or may not be.

    They dont call any theerthankara as incarnation of siva.
  • This temple is called Kadambavaneswara temple. Inscription evidence exists that is this a parantaka temple - built by Gunavan Aparajitan. The icon in discussion is very much Shiva - but a rare one. Identified as Arunachaleswara by M.A.Dhake
  • I 've never read that about Sri Adinatha/Rshabhanatha tho His
    cognizance IS the bull
  • thanks, Gokul

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