Aryans - ஆர்யர்களின் சுவடுகள் கண்டெடுப்பு
  • Please read both the dinamalar and hindu links.

    லண்டன் : பழமையான ஆரிய இன மக்களின் சுவடுகளை ரஷ்ய தொல்பொருள் ஆராய்சியாளர்கள் கண்டெடுத்துள்ளனர். இக்குழுவினர் தெற்கு செர்பியா எல்லையான கசகஸ்தான் பகுதியில் மேற்கொண்ட தொல்பொருள் ஆய்வில் இச்சுவடுகள் கிடைத்துள்ளன. தொல்பொருள் ஆய்வாளர்கள் கூறியதாவது: ஆரிய மக்களின் சுவடுகள் 4000 ஆண்டுகள் பழமையானது என்றும் இவர்களின் அடையாளமாய் சுவஸ்திக் சின்னம் என்றும்

    Now - Were Aryans came from Russia?

    No - As such there is no Aryan thing which Romila Thapparis agreeing now ( and says she never said anything about AIT ever)

    It is one culture and was spread all over the world.

    refer The Hindu article here.
  • Hi

    U got me wrong. I dont mean the origins of aryans is russia.

    I mean - there is nothing called dravidan/aryan.

    It was a singular culture once.
  • Hi Sankar -

    I do agree with your conclusion. I was responding to your question -
    may be wonderment - "Now - Were Aryans came from Russia?"

    Raj Mutharasan
  • Dear
    This time feedback of enthiran might have been received from C centres, from that it will be projected and sucess or failure predicated, which is normal practice.

    Any body knows whether enthiran got success??
  • Hi Raj,
    Just one thing, what are the points against the migration from east to west
    (India to Iran)? If there is any migration at all.
  • How about the antiquity of China, I think that area also holds antiquity similar
    to that of Egypt, however I am not sure
    By genetic flow I think you meant spreading from Africa to other areas, correct?
  • Out of Africa and into Asia, yes.

    The Xia dynasty of China, Egypt, Sumer and Indus are more or less equal in
    age, but "equal" in this case spans more than 2000 years. We talk about the
    "Indus Valley Civilization" as though it was something like a short period
    in history, but it's really more time than between us and Asoka. So, they
    all existed at the same time, but that doesn't mean that one wasn't there
    earlier. In this case, I think Xia came last.

    In any case, I meant the later migration; of peoples from the steppes down
    into India and Iran, which happened towards the end of the IVC period,
    probably over the course of a thousand years - enough time to assimilate and
    have a composite language. That there were some peoples who migrated down
    from the steppes into India and Iran in that time-frame is borne out by
    genetic evidence, and that's about the time associated with the advent of
    Sanskrit and Avestan, so it seems natural that the language link was formed
    in that period. The genetic migration was west -> east, so the language
    migration probably was also.
  • Hi

    Saurabh’s question is an excellent question. It is always good to question the premise of an argument so that you test all possible counter hypotheses.

    I agree with Sash’s reasoning.

    The retro-migration has occurred in human history. The gypsies of Europe is thought to be migrants from North Western India, the retro-migration of folks from Malaya etc into Bengal/Orissa region has given rise to the third class of language group within India – the Munda language group (Korku, Agariya, Bijori, Bhumiji, Koda, Turi etc). But, by and large the migration appears to have occurred from the west – Mesopotamia region. [A point aside: some of you know the country of Iran or Persia as in olden times means “The Land of the Aryans”.]

    Second point worthy of examination is the invention of writing. The writing technology seem to have moved from West into India. Evidence of inscriptions and writings on clay tablets from Mesopotamia region are (at least as of now) are much more ancient than what we find in India, and perhaps predates Indus. The latter is of serious current research. Recent article in Science suggests that Indus and aligned civilization may be more ancient than 2000 BC. I will dig that article up in the next few days.

    Regards, Raj Mutharasan
  • Hi,

    Is it not possible we all had the same living place during Ice age? Cold
    drives us towards equator and after the Ice starts to melt, the land is
    being slowly consumed by the sea driving people towards north. This can
    account for the various similarities between the various civilizations. Is
    this theory possible?

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