IT APPEARS FROM NEXT THAI (Tamil month) (JANUARY 15th or so)WE
SHOULD HAVE TAMIL PANCHANGAM - Coinciding with Thai first as
beginning of Tamil new year.
======== It is true. I was in Bhavani last Sunday attending "Theiva Tamil maanadu". One of the guest speaker was Tamil velvi chadurar "Sathyavel Muruganar". He mentioned that he busy preparing a Tamil panchangam under instructions from TN Chief Minister. He also mentioned that it should be ready and out very shortly.
Millions and millions of people are following the age old traditional panchangam for the last several years. Tamil New Year is also celelbrated in large scale only on 14th April by most of the people in Tamilnadu. It is very silly on the part of the Chief Minister to act again and again against the interests of the general public at large and earn the wrath of Hindus for such childish decisions considering his age and knowledge.
I need not tell you that from the pages of history, we find that Sanskrit is the mother of all languages and almost all the studies of nature and science were in Sanskrit only if I am not wrong. When we can accept English and Hindi, why not Sanksrit, which, after all, is the mother of all Indian languages ? You are pointing out that the denotion is necessary. However, my simple poser to learned people like you, is what is the need for such changes now when people, who claim to be guardians of Tamil, are not even able to spell or write in good Tamil , leave alone the way how Tamil is treated in the media ! Why embargos should be promulgated in temples on this particular issue much against the wishes of people after all these years? Which mandate gave this super power to suppress the age-old belief of public ? Is it fair on the part of any democratically elected (!) govt ? Are we living under any dictatorship ?
There is a ritual associated with agnihotram- Agrahayani. The one that is associated with new year and falls in Margazhi. ( closer to Thai of Lunar calender and to be precise close to 1st January)
Relevance of Prabhava, Vibhava in tamil panchangam? same relevance as Aswini, Bharani, Krithigai. - Havent we accepted this all along from Sangm age? The names of stars are the same across the country. Chithirai - Pournami on Chithurai Vaiksasi - Pournami on Visakam and so on Intrestingly - Thai is - Pournami on Poosam -Poosam iscalled Thishyam in older sanskrit texts. ( Ramayana - Sundarakandam). Tamil had accepted Thai from Thishyam. Hence - There is no issue in accepting the year names. One India- One Culture Are we going to change everything. But many things what we call as exclusive Tamil - either Pongal festival or Idli are not of Tamil origin.
Correct Sir, we need Tamil translation and I agree with you. As you suggested, we need not discuss other things. As you have rightly said, we have to have Tamil names which we can understand!
This the most appropriate solution.. get a proper translation of the names to Tamil and leave the choice of usage to the individuals. Regards, Nimalan.