[Poetry In Stone|கல்லிலே கலைவண்ணம் கண்டோம்] Here we go - one more tiger belly! Kodumbalur Moovar Koi
  • Poetry In Stone|கல்லிலே கலைவண்ணம்
    கண்டோம் has posted a new item, 'Here we go - one more tiger belly!
    Kodumbalur Moovar Koil| மீண்டும் நம் நண்பர்
    புலித்தொப்பை - கொடும்பாளூர்
    மூவர் கோயில்'


    Great works of art catch the eye of many. There are numerous studies,
    papers, coffee table books that are brought out, thousands of people take
    photographs of them and a google search would through up hundreds of links.
    then there are some offbeat ones, which sit nestled in pristine
    seemingly still lost [...]

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  • dear Vijayan

    thanks for sharing the link. we were in melaikkadambur thanks to sps sir
    guidance. nice temple, but we could get to the see the famous bronze. it was
    pretty late in the day as well and we couldnt take many photos. if you have
    good photos of the temple sculptures and also the famed bronze, would be
    eager to see

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