• Obfuscation and hyperbole type reporting in rediff.
    "Thirty manuscripts of the ancient Hindu text Rig Veda dating from 1800
    to 1500 BC are among 38 new items that have been added to the United
    Nations heritage list to help preserve them for posterity."
    Are the manuscripts dated to 1500BC or Rig Veda dated to 1800 BC?
    I believe the manuscripts may not be more than 400 years old. I will
    call this type of report as a journalist's delight! On a lighter vein,
    when our division - engineering - designed a gear box which could not be
    assembled, the head of the manufacturing division wrote a nasty letter -
    'this design is nothing but a draftsman's delight'. The letter was read
    out in a open forum. Good fun!Sampath
  • Friends

    Vedas were nevert written earlier. This practise started very late.

    Do any one have any details on this. TTD started to record vedas to preserve and completed the project. Kanchi Mahaswami vehemently opposed this as this will spoil oral tradition and Guru Sishya chain.

    Now i know that there printed books are available, Any idea when the systemstarted? In North or Soth?

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