Thank you for BOOK REVIEW
  • SPS sir.. I am have an idea that weekly basis I will send one book review of historical novel which will boost our group to discuss more on history. Please confirm.

    Dear Sundar Krishnan,

    small suggestion::

    Please MAIL one HISTORY FICTION - one Literature based (can be Pudhukkavithai etc., too) and one COMMON (including a Biography - Travel - Science etc. ) in a fortnight - if your time permits - so that in 2 weeks we will have 3 books to talk about.

    thank you for all your contributions so far and continued patronage too.

    best regards, sps
  • Dear Sundar Sir and SPS Sir,
    I welcome the idea of Mr.Sundar reviewing and informing about books to our members. I was little sad and became a silent viewer as the group's discussions went through religions and faiths. I made myself busy with the novel now writing and collecting short stories written while I was working with Kalki.
    Dear Sundar Sir, I am sorry to say that I cannot convert files from pagemaker to PDF with the software you have sent, due to my zero knowledge about it. Humbly I remind you about your word ofvisit here and help to workout with that software, so that I can send short stories and novels to you.
    To my disappointment the publication of my 5 novels by the publisher you have introduced were carried over from Jan. to Feb.2010 and I request you to kindly confirm with the publisher,if you have sparetime.

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