15th century sculptor’s scale found
  • hi sri

    you had asked yesterday - from when did a sculptor start signing his
    work - maybe from here on!!



    TIRUCHI: A 15th century sculptor's scale has been found in the main
    vimana of the Kallazhagar temple at Azhagarkoil, near Madurai.

    The scale was found by research scholars of the Dr. M. Rajamanikkanar
    Centre for Historical Research, Tiruchi, during an explorative study.

    According to R. Kalaikkovan, director of the centre, a close study of
    the main vimana revealed the scale, carved on the lower part of the
    basement. Two plus marks, separated by 76 centimetres, are noted on
    the southern part of the `upana' (base).

    An inscription copied from the temple in 1930 says Thirumaliruncholai
    Ninran Mavali Vanadarayan Uranga Villi Dasan, a feudal lord who had
    ruled the region in 1469 AD, had renovated the main vimana from the
    `upana' to the `stupi.' Thiruvalan Somayaji, an official who had
    executed the work to the satisfaction of the king, was gifted with a
    village, Kulamangalam, as a tax-free property. Another inscription
    copied from the basement of the west wall of the `Thayar' shrine
    mentions the name of a measure carved below as `Thirumalirucholai
    Ninran Mavali Vanadarayan Mathrankulam.'

    Based on the two inscriptions, one may conclude that the sculptor's
    scale discovered at the basement of the main vimana was used by
    sculptors of the 15th century to build the unique and ornamental
    vimana, says Dr. Kalaikkovan.

    One of the embellished stone windows is depicted with a sculpture of
    an individual in a seated posture, with two attendants on either side.
    V. Vedachalam, an archaeologist of Madurai who accompanied the
    scholars, identified him as Uranga Villi Dasan, who renovated the vimana.
  • Dear Sir,
    Sculptors' scale found - news reminds me something.
    were some measuring scales at Rajarajan's period.

    In Tiruvalangadu koil "KOL ALAVAI" is drawn based on Rajarajeswaram
    Temple's "KOL ALAVAI" (sii ii 03; 97/1926)----says K.. Neelaganda
    Sastri in Cholas Volume II. I have searched for this Kol Alavai in sii,
    but cannot find out. I will be grateful if Dr.Kalaikovan explains this.
  • There was a reference to the 'kol' and its length in the novel "udayar"
    by Balakumaran. There is a decent write up on the planning,
    architecture, methodology and logistics for building the big temple.
    Balakumaran must have consulted several sources.


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