[Poetry In Stone|கல்லிலே கலைவண்ணம் கண்டோம்] Nandhi on
  • Dear Vikay,

    my earlier message was before seeing this.

    Thank you very much. sps
  • Two issues:

    1. Single stone vimanam:

    With the current level of technology and equipment available, (Xray,
    magnetic imaging etc.) it must be possible to establish scientifically
    whether the vimana is of single piece or assembled like an orange. Has
    this been done or can we persuade the ASI to do it?

    2. I think, the issue of shadow of the vimana not falling on the ground
    has been hijacked. I remember reading in my school days, that the shadow
    will not fall on the ground at noon time because of the wide base of the
    temple, even during summer and winter equinox days. This means that the
    shadow will not fall when the sun's position is about 44 deg. (23 +11
    during winter, and 23-11 during summer, 11 is the lattitude of tanjore).
    If Rajaraja's demand was that the shadow should not fall during 'uchchi
    velai' - noon, throughout the year- it is not very difficult to satisfy
    this condition.
    Expecting to be shadow free in the mornings and evenings when the sun is
    10 degrees above horizon is asking for the moon.
    It is worth investigating whether the shadow falls within the base when
    the sun is within 45 degrees from the true vertical.
    I distinctly reading in my school history book that there will be no
    shadow during noon time.

  • >
    > 1. Single stone vimanam:
    > With the current level of technology and equipment available, (Xray,
    > magnetic imaging etc.) it must be possible to establish
    > whether the vimana is of single piece or assembled like an orange.
    > this been done or can we persuade the ASI to do it?

    during the scafolding of the big temple during its recent
    kumbabishekam lots of people climbed to the top.
    they have seen the creases where the rocks are joined.
    also a photo taken by one of them of the shadow as viewed from the
    top was published in our group.
    i think for the matter even the earlier pyramids of egypt with such a
    large base and smaller height will cast a shadow.

    2. I think, the issue of shadow of the vimana not falling on the
    > has been hijacked. I remember reading in my school days, that the
    > will not fall on the ground at noon time because of the wide base
    of the
    > temple, even during summer and winter equinox days. This means that
    > shadow will not fall when the sun's position is about 44 deg. (23
    > during winter, and 23-11 during summer, 11 is the lattitude of
    > If Rajaraja's demand was that the shadow should not fall during
    > velai' - noon, throughout the year- it is not very difficult to
    > this condition.
    > Expecting to be shadow free in the mornings and evenings when the
    sun is
    > 10 degrees above horizon is asking for the moon.
    > It is worth investigating whether the shadow falls within the base
    > the sun is within 45 degrees from the true vertical.
    > I distinctly reading in my school history book that there will be
    > shadow during noon time.
    > Sampath
    > --- In [email protected], "Sivapathasekaran"
  • > during the scafolding of the big temple during its recent
    > kumbabishekam lots of people climbed to the top.
    > they have seen the creases where the rocks are joined.
    > also a photo taken by one of them of the shadow as viewed from the
    > top was published in our group.
    > i think for the matter even the earlier pyramids of egypt with such a
    > large base and smaller height will cast a shadow.

    big temple shadow


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