Pandhiku mundhu Padaiku pindhu
  • Hi every one,
    my friend asked me what is the real meaning of this statement
    'Pandhiku mundhu Padaiku pindhu' ....
    I saw various explanations over the net...
    Is there anybody in the community who can give an explanation for this
    phrase ?
    Thanks in advance

  • hi,

    here is the explanation:

    pandhikku mundu: while eating, our hand has to go front to fetch the food and eat..

    Padaikku pindhu: while we are in the battle field, our hand - which carries a spear - has to go behind to attack the ennemies with force.

    Vaazhga tamizh!

    Shri :)
  • Hi,

    Padaikku pindhu:

    During War period, How much we are taking the bowl in the backside that much speed will be increased in our arrow going in front side.

    hello Shri  sir, I'm right because I'm not sure about this.

    Yours ever Lovingly
  • HI ragav,
    im not sure about this one..what i have written is that i have heard.


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