Hindu Religion :: Lord Krishna
  • The SUBJECT may be changed ..
    Let us say :: Lord Krishna

    Dasavatharam concept is evolution theory ....

    Mathsya - Fish - in water..
    Koorma .. Tortoise - in water and land;
    Varaha .. Land
    Narasimha.. Demi human
    Vaamana .. Infant human
    Parasu .. Metal
    Rama ... Civilised

    Balarama ..Ploughman
  • oops...Sorry SPS. I changed the subject line without realizing that
    you have done it already.

  • Dear Sir,
          The first theory is ' Vanagi Mannagi Valiygi Oliyagi Oonagi Uyiragi' = creation of world
          The second comes Dasavatharam evolution theory.
           Every life comes to the world with its own papa and punya Karmas and lives. Again it takes rebirth according to its Karma
           This is the basic of all Dharma and Nyayas and principles of Hinduism.
           Sri Krishna's all deeds can be explained with this, and 'Avanindri oru anuvum asayadhu' concept.
           Am I right?
  • Sps sir,

    Wow.. that is an excellent explanation for Dasavathram theory. Guess
    each of the such stories in Hiduism has a similar explanation.
  • SPS Sir,

    I have heard this before too. But what complicates this theory is
    that Matsya avatar, as we expect to be, is not the first avatar. In
    fact Varaha Avatar is the first one, followed by Kurma Avatar and
    then Matsya Avatar.

    Keeping the Hiranyakshan hiding the earth under water theory aside,
    Varaha avatar is a metaphor to indicate the Pralaya, when the world
    is submerged in water, and that the Creation starts after Vishnu
    lifts the land out of Water. This is symbolised by the fact that
    Vishnu holds the land (Boomi Devi) either in His lap or on his Tusk
    (Our Vijay has excellent photos of Mallai Varaha panel to support
    this). Why a boar, one may question. Boar is a strong representation
    for the Male-dom which comes in union with the Female-dom, the earth
    in this case depicted as a female, and then the creation springs

    Wait, this does not mean that they both had a physical union of
    sorts, what one might suddenly think of. Remember I said that all
    these are more of Metaphorical indications, to the world, in the
    language in which they understand.

    So once the world is created, all other actions follow. It is also
    said in Puranas that there are different types of Pralayas. Nithya,
    Naimitthika pralayas. Nithya Pralaya is the one which happens at the
    Yuga-intersection. i.e, between Krita and Tretha, Tretha and Dwapara
    and so on. While the Naimitthika Pralaya is the Maha pralaya that
    happens at the end of the Chatur Yuga. This is when the entire world
    is dissolved.

    Thirumangai Azhwar explains this very beautifully in his Periya

    manjADu, varai yEzhum, kadalgaL yEzhum, vAnagamum , MaNNagamum
    maRRum ellAm
    enjAmal vayiRRadakki, Alin mEl Or iLam thaLiril kaN vaLarndha Isan

    He refers to the complete dissolution here,

    manjADu varai - Sky rocketing Mountains
    Alin mEl Or iLam thaLiril - Refers to the Alilai Krishnan episode.

    In fact one can say that even prior to Varaha Avataram, the Alilai
    posture was the first one. Remember that in Bhagavatham (we
    discussed this earlier) it is stated that the number of avathars of
    Vishnu is countless.

    Well, after I wrote all these, I started thinking why I wrote all
    these and what am I trying to prove!! Nothing, just that I wanted to
    say this with respect to the evolution theory given by SPS sir. It
    is possible, but the confusion arises, when one places Varaha Avatar
    or Alilai Kannan avatar as the first.

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