Vijay's marvelous contribution of art :: PS MEET
  • Dear Vijay and Dhivakar,

    Definitely some of us are members in other cultural groups..

    We do see the postings by some of our PS Gp members over there also.

    Vijay does enjoy special attention is such groups as well..

    While responding to (Madam) Sujatha's mail, I could reply who got
    married when, where do they live now.. mostly because of personal
    level interaction ..

    We travelled a lot together ..
    We are exchanging information ..
    more interaction etc.

    After Thanjai trip a couple of years back, except Marina meet our
    Group interaction- activities not to the level of as was in the past.

    We have Scholars..

    Many are willing to share their expertise..
    Many are willing to listen ..

    Can we plan a PS MEET 2008 in Chennai or Thanjai - say within next
    2 / 3 months ??

    We can invite members with family..

    Invite Scholars .. like Dr. Nagaswamy, Dr. Sathiyamurthy ..
    Some History Fiction writers ..Vikraman / Madhan ..
    Prominent personalities ..

    draw an agenda and work on this..

    Suggestions please.

    anbudan / sps
  • Dear SPS,

    This is a great idea. April may be a good period.

    Thanks and best regards,

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