My respects to the man. Sometimes had his hands on my pen. Sometimes had his words on my mouth. Sometimes had his chair on my brain. Sometimes had his laws on my books. Goodbye, my man.
Oh...thats a bad news. If I remember right, 'Meendu Jeeno' was the first story I read at my young age, after going through the Ambulimama, Rani comics, Poonthalir phase....
One of the author I admired for a long time, until I was introduced to Kalki.
As Sri said, his contribution to Tamil literature is really adorable. Even at such age, he was active and could think and write like an youngster, thats his strength.
> > SUJAATHAA....... > > My respects to the man. > Sometimes had his hands on my pen. > Sometimes had his words on my mouth. > Sometimes had his chair on my brain. > Sometimes had his laws on my books. > Goodbye, my man. > hi Natrajan a great tribute to a great man
sujatha embodies creativity if a man was creative in one field so would he be in other fields. the electronic voting machine which has made elections honest in india was invented by a team that was led by sujatha rangarajan I think the true tribute would be to discuss( first list) out his historical novels and tell us about them
First mail I read this morning ... I am upset. He was a master in all his fields be it Tamizh Ilakkana Ilakiyangal to Sirukadhaigal to Novels to Electronic Voting Machine. He had his own style and many people in this late 40s will be fan of Sujatha ie people who were in their teens or college days in 1980s. We will miss you Sujatha Rengarajan!
First news i read this morning. really great loss not only to the literature world but also to the movie world. Just when tamil cinema is gearing itself up to a level where they can bring life to his wonderful science fiction stories. we know a decent bit about the writer side Sujata i.e. Kumudam short stories, Paalam in Ananda Vikatan which really took off, etc. Maybe somebody can write a nicely detailed mail about the the man we dont know much about, Mr.S.Rangarajan.
Sad morning indeed :( I read in Desikan's blog that he had been hospitalised, but did not think the end was so near. I used to think that an issue of AV without Sujatha's writing was not complete. His Srirangam stories were my favorite. Condolences to his family & all his readers. Shobha
Very Sad. As you have rightly pointed out I was his great fan in my teens and used to have more than thousands of his photos - from news papaers and magazines in my scrap book.
He had such a positive view and temperament. He often spent a couple of hours in the beach either walking or resting in one of the chairs. His thoughts run like this: When he saw young people he felt happy and thanked God that he was able to outlive many of his generation. And when he saw older people he was reassured that he had many more years to live. Ellam nalladukke.
I believe, when he wrote about the massacre of ten thousand Sri Vaishnavas in Srirangam by invading muslim armies, he got hate mails and threats; this made him postpone his proposed series on Islam and Quran. (Sujatha has said so, I think in Junior Vikatan).
He also played an active part in recommending Tamil computing, coding, fonts and keyboard layout. He had the capacity to understand complex topics in diverse fields - science, genetics, psychology, para-sciences and religion (vaishnavam especially) and demystify the topics for easy understanding.
My mind is not accepting this news. Once I read Aananda Vikadan only for his writings. The way he narrate his younger day life in Srirangam was classic one. "En iniya yiendra" is my all time favorate. I was feeling proud that I am also living in the same decade of him. Sujatha is one of the person I want to meet in my life. But hereafter we cant see him forever. May his soul rest in peace. We all pray God for that.
Hi sujatha could capture the soul of a event or a place. his srirangam stories made us so familiar with the place as if we had lived there.
and his saucy remarks. a question was asked about the necessity of pota act. after the answer sujatha added many would like to see me arrested under pota for writing the dialougue for the movie "boys"
could somebody list his novels made into movies
karaiyellam shenbagapo, priya is what comes to my mind
of course a recent movie carried his most popular title "pirivom santhipom" how many boys were named vasanth and how many girls madhumitha in that season. venketesh
My little tribute I am coming back here today to mourn one of my childhood heroes. Sujatha died today. It sounds crazy because I never felt him to be a old person. He was something like a demi-god to me right from the day I started reading 'En Iniya Iyanthira' till today and probably will remain so for the time to come as well. I dont remember whether 'En Iniya Iyanthira' was the first Sujatha story I read. But I remember the days, when I was in 8th standard then, when we (me and Anantharaman, another childhood friend disappeared without a trace) would wait for the next episode of 'En Iniya Iyanthira' in AV (it was serialized). We used to discuss a lot on the science behind such a story and terms like 'teleport' or 'hologram' introduced me into a science I never heard of till that date. It astonishes me that such a novel like that was written by Sujatha in 1986-87 for a bunch of readers who dont even have TVs in their houses(we had none). It also shows the reach of his intelligence and the gift of simplifying things for the lay man. Even today, both 'En iniya Iyanthira' and 'Meendum Zeno' remain my favorite sci-fi novels. Who can forget that little presumptive robo-dog giving lecture on Zeno's paradox?
Hi nice articles about sujatha in the hindu and andanda vikadan in anandavikadan his last writing accompanies desikans write up.
also dont miss a one page article on the demise of stella bruce. it was very touching when in the last line it was mentioned " thnks to the ten people who attended the funeral" perhaps death is not the great leveller as philosophers say. venketesh
So when the death of writer Stella Bruce was announced on a website, I turned on the TV trying to get more information. Had a glance of a TV report showing his body kept on a rusty cart with a tag tied on his hand, clothed in near rags, flies roaming around. Realized the kind of importance/relevance he got, and stopped the TV.
Certainly he was an acclaimed author of the 80's and 90's. Today's press is running after the mass market and the youth are sucked into BPOs /ITs. No one cares unless there is some money in it. Happy that there are atleast some good 10 souls.
Hi it wouldnt be right to compare sujatha and stella bruce, but one thing is evident. there is a hidden lesson to be learnt in this . writers should adapt themselves into newer developments and continue to exhibit their creativity till their end. like any other field those who lag behind in this are bound to get left out.
jeyamohan has known rajmohan aka stella bruce. lots of people praise a novel of the write " athu oru nila kaalam" the writer seems to have been known for a trade mark- kanniyamaana kaathal this was the tribute paid to him in another blog Vaazhkaiyai azhagaga parka katru kodutha oru Writer.
Ann Penn Natpai - Thavarillamal - Arokyamaga parka , pazhaga katru koduthavar..