check this article
  • lots of questions asked:

    1. are bronzes crafted in nude ? dont think so - most of them
    display the clothing during the times they were made. if so current
    day when the bronzes are brought out - they are beddecked with
    jewels and clothing - is this a later day habit. why make a statue
    with clothes sculpted and then again wrap it in cloth??

    2. are bronzes to be exhibited as such ( as pieces of art) or as
    they are displayed in our temples - with all the clothing etc

    3. check the reference to chola empire being brought down by
    muslims!! muslims from the north...

    4. check the reference to RJC - as gangai kinda - capturer of

    5. One crown for just one statue (a crown described in detail on a
    Chola temple wall) contained four pounds of gold. It also had set
    into it 859 diamonds, 309 "large and small rubies" and 669 we have an inscriptional evidence for this...
  • Hi Vijay
    as always-an excellent article .Thank you.

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