• Dear SPS,
    Some additional inputs to your notes:

    Umapathi Sivam belong to the period of CE 1280 to 1330 or so. He was fourth and last Saiva Acharya in Meykanda Saiva Siththaandha Parambarai. He has written a classic work on Thiruththondar PuraNam written by Sekkizhar. A wonderful work and some historic informations you can find in that work. some related to RRC and Nambi Aandaar Nambi. The 24th stanza states as follows:

    AayumaRai mozhi nambiyaandaar nambi
    aruLseytha kaliththuRai anthaathi thannai
    sEya thirumuRaikanda RASARASA
    thEvar sivaalayaththEvar muthalaayuLLa
    Eaya karungkadal pudai soozh ulakellaam
    eduththinithu paaraattiRRu'

    So, there a link between Nambi and RRC. The above meaning you can take in two ways.
    1. RRC found TirumuRai and the same was compiled by Nambi
    2. Nambi must have already compiled the TirumuRai and RRC must have spread all over the world.

    Umapathi Sivam's works were not taken much by historians. The Acharya has lot of historic incident informations in his works. Because of Umapathi Sivam we came to know more details about Sekkizhaar, whom he mentioned as Saiva VellaaLa born at KunRaththur. The King Kulottunga-2, Anabhaya was interested on "srungaara rasam" of Siivaga Chintamani; Sekkizhaar diverted the king by telling Sivapuraanam and Sivanadiyar puraanam and subsequently the arrival of Thiruththondarpuraanam.

  • Dear Dhivakar,

    I just referred back my first posting on this subject recently.

    Good that you have substantiated.

    Tho' we have discussed this several times earlier, to make new
    members also be aware, I state that THE THANJAI RAJARAJESWARAM
    PAINTINGS should have formed basis for SEKKIZHAR's PERIAPURANAM -
    particularly Sundarar's marraige, Sundara - Cheramanperumal episode
    etc., and NOT VICE-VERSA !

    And this discussion leads to the NATURAL query as to Why
    Maanickavasagar is NOT included among the 63 Naayanmars of
    Periapuranam !

    regards / sps

  • Hi Sps
    Now Diwaker has given some evidence linking rajraja and nambiandar
    i use the word linking in a broad sense as diwaker himself. I
    understand its subject to verification by other sources.
    But i want to also know what was the evidence that prompted experts
    to delink rajaraja and nambiandar nambi in the first place.
    how was the inference done.
  • Dear Venkatesh,

    As mentioned earlier, KAN Sastri speculated that because Nambi
    alinged Karuvurar - who hymned Gangai Konda Cholapuram (GKC) also -
    it possible Nambi was MORE a contemporary of Rajendra ... (1010+ AD
    of RjC than 985 AD of RRC)

    Re Umpathi Sivam, again there are different views among Historians,
    as Dhivakar himself pointed out..

    hierarchy being traced from Nandhidevar of Lord Siva ...into which
    Historians would prefer not to tresspass (much) - I prefer to look
    for other details and will post soon.

    best regards / sps
  • >
    > Dear Venkatesh,
    > As mentioned earlier, KAN Sastri speculated that because Nambi
    > alinged Karuvurar - who hymned Gangai Konda Cholapuram (GKC) also -
    > it possible Nambi was MORE a contemporary of Rajendra ... (1010+ AD
    > of RjC than 985 AD of RRC)

    Hi sps sir,

    RRC being such a great shiva baktha that he later calls himself
    sps...he would count his finding the tirumurai's as one of his
    greatest achivements....even his minor achivements are glorified in
    his prasiti ( aparently the longest for a tamil king)..hv gone through
    his two diff versions - there is no mention of tirumurai kanda cholan

    does any of his inscriptions call himself as tirumurai kanda still searching.. cant find nambi as well in any of the
    SSI / EI volumes i have.

    if at all we can find then placing a date for the finding of the lost
    ( if indeed they were lost) tirumurai would be easy....

  • Dear Vijay,
    'TirumuRai Kanda Sozhan' is an award.

    1. There was not necessarily that it should have been awarded during his (RRC) life time.

    2. TirumuRai is like Bible. The essense was felt deeply, probably, during K-2 rule when the saivism was at its peak. And the importance of RRC's work on retreiving TirumuRai must have been realised more and more during Saiva Acharya's period that is 13th century. On the basis of ThirumuRai (including Tirumantiram and Thiruvaasagam), the four Acaryas have probagated Saiva Siththaantham. I mean, RRC got importance for ThirumuRai only after 100 to 150 years of his time.

    3. if you go through 'Kalingattu Parani' by Jayamkondar, the poet has given the chola history with earlier cholas chronoloy till Kulottunga-1. In this order, When coming to Raja Raja's acheivement, his victories over enemies was mentioned in a single line and in general.


    1. Whether Big Temple was Gold roofed.
    Not over-ruled, says a Scholar, showing a piece of inscription "
    Pon Meyvithan " (Use this and search for earlier mails).

    Not possible because it does not figure in the massive
    inscriptions or in Prasasthi ( Meykeerthi, point out many Scholars).

    2. Thirumurai Kanda Chozhan

    Now we are confronting similar issue.

    Let us keep the options open and listen to more views.


  • Hi sirs,

    Apologise fr diverting fm topic... But hv a doubt to be cleared by experts...

    Dr k balu sir was explaining the greatness of the big temple to me....he explained the giant dvarapalakas ...and showed me the picture ... The four arms...the lower arm pointing downwards..towards a carving of a serpent in the act of swallowing a elepant ( the elephant being eaten fm u could clearly see the torso n head trunk etc)...he explained that this depiction is to go with the vimana being shown as meru...and appar when singing about kailash says that the snakes in kailash are so big that they swallow elephants....can someone assist in finding this in tamil for there a connection between this n the earlier debate ( think me n venkat had it) on the anaconda...being tamil word...anai kondran... Snake that kills elephants....vj
  • There is a very detailed article by Dr.M.Rajamanickanar on the
    subject. It is called "Thirumurai Thogutha kaalam".

    An excellant effort - you can read the tevaram hymns in tamil, listen
    to them being sung and also check the english translations...
  • Thanks a lot Vijay. Very good link & timely too. With Margazhi- Thiruvembavai Festival going on, one can use this link to listen to & to learn Thiruvembavai.

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