google tamil
  • Google has now come up with a splendid online tool to
    get text in Tamil while typing in romanized form
    (type arun, aarthi etc to get the same words in Tamil)
    please visit

    The converted Tamil word shows up every type you type the
    space at the end. If the word is not displayed correctly, you can
    correct it - simply select the word and use right click to get a
    choice of words to choose. Try it. You can then send emails out in
    Tamil Unicode. simply copy-paste the text to a standard email message
  • Dear Vijay,
    Thank you for the information.Visited the site and it is good.
  • Hi vijay

    thats good.

    i have been using the transliteration software by cadgraff for some
    time. typed more than half a million words.
    the result is my english typing has gone for a six. you start
    thinking about words in a phoenetic way.

    two things about transliteration

    it will create a lot more writers in tamil
    two it will make extinct the traditional tamil typing.

  • Venkatesh,

    You are half right - In my opinion.

    என்ன மாதிரி பெரிய றா-நாவுக்கும் சின்ன ரா-நாவுக்கும் வித்யாசம் தெரியாத சில பல
    பேர் எந்த சாப்ட்வேர் வந்தாலும் திருந்த மாட்டார்கள்.

    கடவுளுக்கு தான் தெரியும் இதுலேயே எதன்ன தப்பு இருக்கோ?

    ~ உதங்கஸ்
  • Hi

    you are not alone.
    i use one ra and one la for everything and then try to correct it

    pressing shift for changing the la or ra is a real pain.

    now that we speak of it

    are all the letters we use in the stone edicts of the cholas?

  • Hi,

    This is a neat solution. I used to have problems reading tsc emails from agathiyar and other groups to unicode. Used an online conversion tool from adhiyaman
  • Dear Vijay
    Thats fantastic

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