Talking of movies made from novels/books
  • Hi,

    Not sure if you have watched the movie - Ghost and the Darkness (
    Van Kilmer/Michael Douglas) - its about two man eating lions in
    tsavo africa - an amazing true account which has been vividly
    portrayed on film - a must watch. the two lions were shot by colonel
    patterson ( the hero of the story) and used as rugs by him for
    almost a decade before he gifted them to the britsh museum - where
    they were subsequently stuffed and are still on display

    ( its scary to imagine - for the hair/nails are regenerative - and
    since the lions ate so many humans almost excl for a year - its said
    that what is left of them is purely human protein....)

    - This 1907 book relates the tale of the author's battle against man-
    eating lions during the building of the Uganda Railway in 1898. This
    is the single most famous man-eating lion story in modern history -
    two large male lions killed and ate nearly 140 railway workers

    the full text of the book incl original black n white photos can be
    downloaded for free from this link

    the movie did twist the original plot a bit ( michael douglas was a
    fictional character ) and the two lions were originally maneless (
    there is research going on - to this as well ) but the movie incl
    two manned lions to act their part.

    Those interested in maneaters and folklore - we have our own heros -
    jim corbett ( up north) and kenneth anderson ( karnataka/tamil nadu
    borders) - you can pick their omni buses in landmark.

    Jim corbett ( later turned conservationist a la valmiki) - his most
    popular kill / success, was the Champawat Tiger in Champawat, alone
    was responsible for 436 documented deaths. He also shot the Panar
    Leopard, which allegedly killed 400 after being injured by a poacher
    and thus being rendered unable to hunt its normal prey

  • Vijay,

    I watched this movie more than decade back. I was under the impression that
    the maneater is in an US Museum, thats how the movie end

    ~ Udanx
  • Hi Vijay,
    just for the information sake. Those man-eating lions are actually
    kept at Field museum, Chicago.
  • i stand corrected as below...

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