RRC Life History :: Chapterisation
  • Hi sps
    this would be our greatest contribution to tamil history if we
    accomplish this.

    I think I was misunderstood. i meant, i would love to write on the
    warrior in rrc. after all he was the greatest wasnt he?but it should
    be a whole hearted effort of all concerned.

    i am sure we should first identify the authentic sources to document
    and then start writing.
    AND if we cant get these details we must atleast partially agree
    with madan.

    by authentic sources I wil give an example.
    RRc's meikeerthi is not enough proof when we estimate the level of
    his conquests. we need corroborative evidence.
  • You all have undertaken a difficult task and I wish you success.

    Please permit me to make some general comments:
    1. Even the early European archaeologists and historians were in the
    same boat as you are now; they did not find written down history or
    records, or archaeological evidences to understand India's glorious past
    and someone commented that what is known about India can be written in
    the palm of one's hand. We now know that it is not so.
    2. There may be thousands of palm leaf manuscripts scattered all over
    south, may be locked in temples and with individuals. The National
    Manuscript Mission is digitizing whatever is given to it. Reading and
    deciphering is another Herculean task.
    3. Ours is a continuous and living civilization; hence many of the
    records, monuments, and inscriptions might have been lost due to
    'destroy-reuse' practices. Absence of evidence does not mean that events
    did not happen; only we do not have the tools to prove our guesses.
    4. There will be gaps in our understanding of reigns or events, but
    there is no harm in filling the gaps with educated guesses, and
    highlighting them. It is possible that new evidence found may validate
    or dispute them.
    5. We all know that anything written down is prone to exaggeration and
    subject to the whims of the writer. Vaali's poems on MK may contain 10%
    of the truth, but a discerning reader/historian will be able to
    separate it. We should be able to do the same with Sangam poetry. If
    Karikal Chozhan went to Himalayas because there were no kings to conquer
    in South, at least his trip to the Himalayas is true. All of us can
    come out with different contradictory versions of today's history,
    referring to written and published news reports.
    6. Darwin's evolution theory, Aryan Invasion Theory, Dravidians as a
    separate race pushed out of Sind by nomadic aryans - all these theories
    are strongly disputed now, as the proponents of these theories concluded
    in haste and with ulterior motives.

    So, please go ahead and don't wait for "HARD" evidence for every step.
    We, Tamils, had a glorious past, and your every move will help our
    understanding of our past. We need not worry about Madan - as to whether
    his remarks are casual, flippant or out of genuine agony.
  • Yes SPs

    even if it turns out to be booklet and not a full fledged book we
    shall accept only real facts that can be corrobarated.

    first we shall get ready a questionaire

    1. how did rrc die? and when?
    2. what did he do during uthama's reign?
    3. where are the battle fields that he fought?
    4. who were his specific enemies?
    5. how old was he when uthama ascended the throne and the events
    leading to the sacrifice.

    this questionaire should be sent to a few historians. of course we
    will also ask Varalaaru.com contributors to help us in answering
    these basic facts about our greatest king.

    according to kamal the information on tamil history is voluminous
    only if we know where to look. of course we need a lot of guidance
    on where to look.

    of course when we finish with RRC we will turn to other kings of
    tamil nadu.
  • Dear SPS,

    This is a great work!
  • Hi,

    Whether work has been done??
    or the work is still in progress??
  • sps,

    thangaludaiya padilai edirparkirome (nanum rahulum)

  • Hi
    a lot of things about RRc remains hazy but that doesnt dim his
    perhaps we shouldnt be so demanding of our historians to produce all
    evidence. we have to be reasonable condidering that a lot of evidence
    was erased by the events of the 14th century.
  • Best wishes to SPS and Venkat on this daunting task.

    If there is anything I can do(Technically!), please let me know.
  • Hi

    I have little to do on this. its SPS's dream project.
    I guess SPS knows more about the man RRc than anybody else.
    most of us are still battling between AmV the myth and RRC the man.

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