18 th trip
  • Hi all

    5 of our members sathish, sivaram,nadarajan srinivasan,venkateshwaran
    kasi rajan and me went on a one day historical trip on sunday.
    actualy it wasplanned to accomodate more but droputs were many and we
    decided to drive down in satish's santro

    first stop- or rather meeting point was marutheeswarar temple in

    second stop- thiruvidanthai. a temple with chola and rastrakuta(?)
    influence.we hope sivaram- the only bachelor in the trip benefits
    from the gracious benevolence of sri nithya kalyana perumal.

    third stop- marakkanam- bhoomiswarar temple. sathish could read the
    mey keerthi of rrc in the temple. nice sculptures. huge lingam. its
    right on the ecr.
    4th stop- al hambra . an ancient trading post. with a brick fort.
    last built by the mughals. has history of arab horse trading,
    sambuvarayar textile exports etc.

    5th stop pallava quaryy. where they excavated stones for the temples.
    also 3 unfinished ratha style temple which tells us how they built
    the 5 rathas.

    6th stop- yali caves and the new excavation at sangam age temple

    hope sivaram posts the photos fast
  • Though the climate was pretty hot, it was a cool trip. All through the trip
    we discussed wide topics history, evolution, cinema, international politics
    to name few.
  • Good FIR Venkatesh.

    it was indeed a great trip as I got a chance for a long drive after
    a long time :) Without any hurry and maintaining the speed limit we
    enjoyed every minute of the trip chatting and shouting at our
    highest pitch. My throat is still paining from the talk we did

    Talking everything that came to our mind, pulling Sivaram at Nitya
    kalyana perumal koil and recomending him to the perumal for a
    marriage shortly the trip started of with full vigour. Sandhula
    sindhu padarappla Natarajan sir also applied for a second chance to
    Nitya kalyana perumal. :)

    The one thing which disturbed me in the trip was Natarjan sir's
    comment that Ilayaraja is not great and he is not a good music
    director. :( toooooo much illa..

    The view at Alamparai or al hambra was breath taking. Gigantic brick
    walls of the fort, the proximity to the sea, the view from the top
    of the walls..were all magnificient.

    One more notable thing was that we have an odd man out in our
    group..when all four of us were chatting to glory, I really wondered
    how VK kept silent all through the trip. He spoke only when
    necessary and never uttered any extra word :)

    Over all it was great trip and this should suffice for quite
    sometime till another trip is organized
  • Hi;
    This is great. Im really jealous of all the trips you guys are making. Hope
    to join you sometime in the near future when time permits.

    PS: Looking forward to viewing the photographs.
  • Hi,

    Some of the photos are in this link. I will update the rest tonight.

  • Hi all,

    We had an enjoyable Sunday. I have passed this
    Bhoominaathar temple, which is right on the ECR, many
    times. But I was really thrilled when Sathish read the
    RRC meykiirththi here.

    My long await to see the 2nd century stone Vel was
    fulfilled yesterday.

    Kalaaichals all the way
    In the memory they stay!

    I took a big risk in criticizing Ilayaraaja when his
    die-hard fan was in the driver seat. Sathish kept his
    cool but made his revenge today.

    sindhu padarappla Natarajan sir also applied for a
    second chance to
    Nitya kalyana perumal. :)//

    Sathish, ithu nyaayamaa? athuvum oru parama appaaviyai

  • I think we might be able to conduct such small trips
    once a month to cover the historical sites around
    Chennai. It doesn't pinch the purse much.. Say roughly
    about Rs. 300-400 per head.

    The next trip thought about was to follow the trail of
    Dr. Gift Sironmony who did lot of research on iron age
    and megalithic mounds around Chennai. I guess some of
    these sites might still be traceable today and free
    from occupation. It will be a great opportuinty for
    our group to rediscover these sites and document them
    for posterity.

    Any comments ?
  • Hi VK,

    The next trip thought about was to follow the trail of
    Dr. Gift Sironmony who did lot of research on iron age
    and megalithic mounds around Chennai. I guess some of
    these sites might still be traceable today and free
    from occupation. It will be a great opportuinty for
    our group to rediscover these sites and document them
    for posterity.

    Any comments ?

    That's great idea. I second that, we can plan for a Each Month a trip.
    Documenting the places we have visited , along with the routes, the things
    we have noticed, along with photos(kind of travalogue) will be a great
  • I would suggest do a search on google for Gift Sironmony, you can find some really good web postings. I came to know about him and his wonderful work ina short time, only through google search..
  • Thank you both.

    DOCUMENT them in brief atleast to begin with..
    Well said Venkateswaran.

    We should work on a specific STANDARD format.


    Source : Primary / Secondary

    Category : Pre-Historic / Sangam / Ancient / Imperial / Mohammeden /
    European / Vijayanagar / Nayak / Pre-Independence / Contemporary
    Location :
    Period :
    Description / Details:
    Links :
    Photo :

    thanks. sps

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