India Trip :: big temple
  • hi SPS

    May I make a streak of opinion that went through me at that time?

    I took you for yet another friend (of so many) of our collegues who
    could access the painting chamber using the good offices. I never
    expected at that time that momentary contact will flourish into a
    deep association now . Hindsight, I think I did the right thing of
    not taking you seriously at that time.
    Thanks for the compliment. I don't deserve it on my own. My team -
    as you know everyone of them - deserve them. And of course the
    catalyst is Dr.T.Satyamurthy.
  • Yeah.. now we are blending with such fineness .. what I hardly do
    even with my own relatives... This has become our REAL FAMILY.

    thanks.. and regards / sps

    I am really glad to be part the family. Nice to hear the anecdote.

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