It's been 18 years since I joined Volvo, a Swedish company. Working for them has proven to be an interesting experience. Any project here takes 2 years to be finalized, even if the idea is simple and brilliant. It's a rule.
Globalize processes have caused in us (all over the world) a general sense of searching for immediate results. Therefore, we have come to posses a need to see immediate results. This contrasts greatly with the slow movements of the Swedish. They, on the other hand, debate, debate, debate, hold x quantity of meetings and work with a slowdown scheme. At the end, this always yields better results.
Said in another words: 1. Sweden is about the size of San Pablo, a state in Brazil. 2. Sweden has 2 million inhabitants. 3. Stockholm, has 500,000 people. 4. Volvo, Escania, Ericsson, Electrolux, Nokia are some of its renowned companies. Volvo supplies the NASA.
The first time I was in Sweden, one of my colleagues picked me up at the hotel every morning. It was September, bit cold and snowy. We would arrive early at the company and he would park far away from the entrance (2000 employees drive their car to work). The first day, I didn't say anything, either the second or third. One morning I asked, "Do you have a fixed parking space? I've noticed we park far from the entrance even when there are no other cars in the lot." To which he replied, "Since we're here early we'll have time to walk, and whoever gets in late will be late and need a place closer to the door. Don't you think? Imagine my face.
Nowadays, there's a movement in Europe name Slow Food. This movement establishes that people should eat and drink slowly, with enough time to taste their food, spend time with the family, friends, without rushing. Slow Food is against its counterpart: the spirit of Fast Food and what it stands for as a lifestyle. Slow Food is the basis for a bigger movement called Slow Europe, as mentioned by Business Week.
Basically, the movement questions the sense of "hurry" and "craziness" generated by globalization, fueled by the desire of "having in quantity" (life status) versus "having with quality", "life quality" or the "quality of being". French people, even though they work 35 hours per week, are more productive than Americans or British. Germans have established 28.8 hour workweeks and have seen their productivity been driven up by 20%. This slow attitude has brought forth the US's attention, pupils of the fast and the "do it now!".
This no-rush attitude doesn't represent doing less or having a lower productivity. It means working and doing things with greater quality, productivity, perfection, with attention to detail and less stress. It means reestablishing family values, friends, free and leisure time. Taking the "now", present and concrete, versus the "global", undefined and anonymous. It means taking humans' essential values, the simplicity of living.
It stands for a less coercive work environment, more happy, lighter and more productive where humans enjoy doing what they know best how to do. It's time to stop and think on how companies need to develop serious quality with no-rush that will increase productivity and the quality of products and services, without losing the essence of spirit.
In the movie, Scent of a Woman, there's a scene where Al Pacino asks a girl to dance and she replies, "I can't, my boyfriend will be here any minute now". To which Al responds, "A life is lived in an instant". Then they dance to a tango.
Many of us live our lives running behind time, but we only reach it when we die of a heart attack or in a car accident rushing to be on time. Others are so anxious of living the future that they forget to live the present, which is the only time that truly exists. We all have equal time throughout the world. No one has more or less. The difference lies in how each one of us does with our time. We need to live each moment. As John Lennon said, *"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans". *Congratulations for reading till the end of this message. There are many who will have stopped in the middle so as not to waste time in this globalized world.
As rightly pointed Slow does not mean sacrificing anything .. Very slow is a different matter.
And that John Lennon (Beatles) quote "while you are planning Life is happening" is a wonderful much talked about Quote ...
And I do wish to look into myself for an answer to look at my attidue to my fellow citizen to compare with your friend's that other's may have not time to walk....
> *An interesting reflection: *Slow Down Culture >
Very good mail.
There is a proverb in tibet: "If you want to go to a place quickly - walk slowly If you want to go to a place damn fast - walk very slowly"
This is to tell that walk slowly towords your ambitions and goals without missing the fun of life
This means your journey is as interesting or even more interesting than your destination
There are many stories in zen buddhism which stress this central concept in many ways
Osho has dealt with it in a brilliant manner. He goes to the very depth of the philosophy of time and why west caught up with this concept of fast life. No offence meant to our christian friends - but he actually says that it was mainly because of a fundamental concept about time in christianity.
In hinduism & buddhism (and even jainism) you have come here - to this world - many times. And you will come many more times. So there is no hurry. You are finishing off some of the things that were left undone during your last visit. It is a long and wonderful journey. Your journey does not end with your physical death. You have another chance. Hence you have lot of time.
But the christian faith is different. You come here only once. There is no chance for coming here again. Hence it puts lot of pressure on humans. There is so much that needs to be done in ones life and very little time left ! Hence everything needs to be done within a span of 60 to 80 years. Hurry up ! And as western philosophy spread across the world this concept spread all over.
And alas ! Now, it is in the land of buddhism - china / japan etc - where the culture of working more than 40 hours a week is well established ! And it is now in the christian world that slowing down is being looked at seriously.
The good thing about globalization and shrinking world is that humans all over have started looking at other cultures.Time tested philosophies are undergoing massive transformation
good concept. Time is an excellent healer. The longer you take to reach a goal, the more are the alternatives. Life runs on Plan B. A person having a Plan B for a given situation anticipates the consequences of his action. This makes him more alert to the unexpected. The more you expect the unexpected, the expected happens more frequently. It makes your life easy. Taking time is the best way of living in the fast selfish world. You will be mentally strong. Expect the unexpected.
Slow down culture is a well written article describing a good way of living. While appreciating your sincere motive behind writing this article I wish to record my quick provocations after reading this article.
Please note my comments are pertaining to the attempts to criticize globalization.
India is a well deserved country to be in the top of the world. One thing heavily pulling down India is her economic status. Globalization really trying to pull us out of this misery. Unless some real, urgent and rapid efforts are made the economic gap with the rest of the world will remain big if not growing bigger.
Our excellent intellectual and hidden wealths are now being cleaned out of rust and we are coming out of the thick dark economic ignorance. Globalization scrapes out these unwanted coverings at least at some sectors.
A harsh comparison comes to my mind. Your article reminds me a healthy man sitting in front of a full plantain leaf served with a hundred dishes along with a dozen appetizers and a dozen deserts. A little away I am sitting in front of a stitched leaf served with curd rice and lemon pickles. The first man really has his own choice of eating at his own pace.
Before deciding the pace at which we have to eat we must sit in the same row of full plantain leaves. I hope globalization makes us to inch towards this place.
That article was a Forward. But, I agree with it - I have seen the same culture in Switzerland where I worked for some time. Seivvana Thirundha Seivaargal. No quick fixes.
I agree that developed countries can afford to take time.We may have to run fast till we reach that stage - again, this need not be in all spheres/industries.
Primarily my focus of attention was on the slow - fast aspects and relative merits etc. There I agree with the famous quote of John Lennon. But when the focus is shifted to Globalisation - the plantain leaf example well tossed by our dear friend Natarajan obviously stares at us.
Further dimensions related to India's (Venkat will ask where was it before the British?) past Glory will be more spicy too.
Then as Sivakumar replied it need not be in all the spheres ..
under employment like its predecessor is the major indian problem
there is a severe labour shortage in towns like tirupur and erode which churn out our exports.
the industrialists there feel if a population gets rice for 2 rupees and and a free t.v its bound to get lazy. we have already half way thro a process of creating a slow and lazy society the system has already slowed down in many parts of our country.
Good view Venkatesh. I got that forward more than a week back and I too feel that we need to slow up a bit. But on further thoughts this fast paced life is only in the cities. Outside cities the life is still slow.
As you said, if govt gives 2rs rice and free TV, free Gas etc. who will work. Right from colonialism till date, the rulers always wanted to keep the praja lazy and dump. yosikka arambicha vote poda matangale...
But on other hand there is a serious problem of unemployment. People tell they dont get job. The problem is that we Indians think, if we can read and write, we should get IT job, 6 digit salary at the first month and without doing work should get promoted (ayyooo....nethu than enga team appraisal mudichen athoda impact kandukatheenga...)
People never think of what they are capable of and what they should get. Talking about people who complaint that they dont get job easily...I always feel 'muyarchi udayar igazhchi adayar'.
A recent incident really shook me off and I felt really proud for this guy whom I met. A month back, I happened to stay back in office with my team late night for some urgent work (as usual in any IT company). We thuoght we can leave in next half an hour and so skipped our dinner, but till 2 in the morning we couldnt retire. By 3am we all felt a bit (??) hungry and thought lets check out for anything outside. (i am in Elnet, near Tidel and except for these two buildings there is not establishment near by. manushan saga vendiyathuthan.concrete jail)
To our surprise we could find a fellow, on his M80 fully loaded with snacks, tea and all possible stuff and doing great business. We got something to fill at that hour and when enquired he said he generally comes ther by 6pm and retires by 2am, but today just prolonged sometime (lucky me!!). He also said, they are totally 3 of them and comes in three differnt timings. He does good business with people in Tidel and Elnet and leads his life. A new business model which he could innovate. I praised him a lot in my heart and prayed for his well being.
I feel if someone wants to survivie decently, they can. Only that we lack that instinct. Unless the attitude of blaming others for our mistakes changes in Indian hearts, slow or fast, we will remain the same.
Mr.Venketesh's views are totally accurate. Ive just experienced this first hand. My vendors in Coimbatore are facing severe labour shortage. They are unable to find machinists, etc. Thier labourers are shunning these skilled (but tough) jobs for lesser skilled jobs like painting/whitewashing homes,offices,etc. The pay is more or less the same and they have to work only 4 hours a day (8 hour day reduces to 4 hour because of coffee/lunch/smoking breaks) when compared to the machinist's work where they have to work 8-10hrs a day. The machine shop owners are taking up unskilled labourers from Madurai,Namakkal and training them as machinists! Every machine shop owner is of the opinion that skilled labour would be very very scarce in the next 3-5 years.
I think we are mixing slowdown culture with laziness. The article was targeted at the workaholics who miss the simple joys of life. It has nothing to do with the lazy culture that is getting developed in Tamil nadu for 2 Kg rice and free gas connection, tv, land, marraiage(that's all I could think, did i miss anything).
we have had some very great slow down cultures in history too.
the hipie movement- the flower people just left the speedy cities to adjust to their natural speeds. but that movement became a joke when it degenerated into drugs and free sex culture.
I think a natural correction is always in the offing and mankind can adjust to itself.
one nice kutti kathai
in the forest the deer that runs slow is eaten up by the lion in the forest the lion that is slow always goes hungry