rewriting history- gandhi's last temptation
  • Hi

    the beginnings of another contreversy- gandhiji this time

    it was the one relationship in his life that even a compulsive
    confessor like Gandhi barely spoke about, keeping her deliberately
    out of his otherwise candid autobiography. Now his grandson, Rajmohan
    Gandhi, breaks the silence and reconstructs in his forthcoming
    biography, Mohandas: A True Story of a Man, His People and an Empire,
    the moving story of the Mahatma's greatest temptation and how he
    struggled to overcome it.

    For nearly 90 years, Gandhi's large family—which included, besides
    his wife, four sons, their wives and children, national leaders,
    fellow ashramites and freedom fighters and even his biographers—
    nursed one of the few secrets in his open-book life: a passionate
    love relationship the Mahatma had with a fiery beauty from Bengal
    called Saraladevi. She was a dazzling woman, by all accounts—
    belonging to the cream of Bengal's aristocratic intellectuals, a
    niece of Tagore's, a writer and musician

    there is a cover story in out look magazine. and the book is bound to
    be a hit ( because its written by his grandson)

  • Hi;

    These kind of details about the Mahatma makes him look human rather than the
    god like figure we have come to look at him as. Im sure it would be an
    interesting read. he probably fell in love with her because of her
    intellectual capabilities than her beauty. Hope people treat it as
    "interesting" rather than politicising it and making it a huge controversy,
    then we would know how much we have matured as a nation.
  • Can grandsons know about their grandpa's affairs?

    After coming to limelight Gandhiji's life was very
    closely followed by many. How come this could be under
    the carpet?
  • I read that edition of Outlook. There is an interview
    of Rajmohan Gandhi as well on this.

    It looks that there are some family archives to this

    Read that article.. It only glorifies the mahatma...
  • Hi

    rajaji has used some classic words to dissuade gandhi.on record in
    paper as a letter .
    I forget the actual words but he has said" forget this infatuation
    and come back to lead us master"

    I suggest lets wait for the book.


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