happy birthday : Swami Vivekananda
  • > > And Sivaram's and SPS's mail about vivekananda - Vivekananda took
    > > sanyasa, when his father had died, family was in debts, starving
    > for
    > > one meal a day etc.

    Dear Satish / members

    It is true that when swami vivekananda took sanyaasa, his family was
    not in good shape. He and few of the core disciples of SriRamakrishna
    took sanyaas only after the death of their master.

    Vivekananda's family continued to suffer. Swamiji spent some time much
    later with his mother - but other than that there was nothing he could
    do for his own family. When ramakrishna repeatedly asked to pray to
    mother kali for money, all young naren could wish for was knowledge
    and thirst for ultimate - not money !

    Same is the case with Adhi Shankara. He just came for the last moments
    of his mother and did her final rites

    Sri Raghavendra had to desert his wife who committed suicide. Later on
    he blessed her soul and that is what is today celebrated as "Sumangali
    prarthanai" after marriages. On that day alone, ladies eat first :-)
    and men eat later.

    Sri Ramanuja also had to desert his wife.

    This needs to be viewed with a different perspective of mind.
  • This is something i have never understood probably because i am a normal
    person when compared to these great souls. If a person wants to search for
    the ultimate for the rest of his life then he is definitely entitled to do
    so and that probably what makes them great. But why do you have to get
    married, bear children and the leave them to the mercy of this world. The
    girl was married to this person as the girl's parents believed that he would
    take good care of her. By becoming a sanyas or a rebel you are actually
    making a whole bunch of people suffer (wife,kids,inlaws,etc,etc) and then
    you are searching for god. God is in your duties..if you have not performed
    your duties then how do you expect god to accept you?
    Please note im not questioning the greatness of these souls or thier
    teachings im just asking why do they make a whole bunch of people suffer
    when they go after whatever they seek? Why dont they remain unmarried..earn
    a small sum of money which would take care of thier parents for the erst of
    thier remaining lives and then go and seek god. God would definitely accept
    them with open arms.
  • sorry got trigger happy before completing the sentence.... :)

    Sorry, I dont mean to offend... its just that some statements here are
    unfounded... the moment you are able to see the statements are just
    lame excuses of souls like us caught in the grind of the daily life,
    you will at least understand why these men felt justified in 'fleeing'
    thier homes....

    I can literally see Buddha saying to himself, watching his wife and
    kid sleep, just before he left...

    "Better late than too late"
  • I dont my questions are unfounded. Its pretty simple why do you have to make
    a bunch of folks suffer in order to search for the ultimate. God is
    defintely in our duties..if u dont feed you take care of your parents then
    there is not greater sin atleast that is what i have learnt.
    I think the truth is that the teachings of these great souls are so
    invaluable to us that we tend to overlook thier other side.
    Im sorry but these are not my excuses because i cant escape the grind of
    everyday life....these are my questions to those souls who had shirked thier
    responsibilities and gone on to search for god.
    Seeing his wife and kid on the cot i dont think Gautama's thought would have
    been as you have put it..it would have been a doubt on how the world would
    treat his wife and son after he leaves.

    Im of the opinion that taking care of your dependents without expecting
    anything out of them, like all our parents have done, is a greater deed than
    leaving your family and going in search of god.
  • if what you say were true and that shirking thier responsibilities is wrong,
    why are we calling still them 'great' people? shouldnt we be shunning them
    as irresponsible?

    theres definitely something more to it than meets the eye...
  • During the freedom struggle thousands left thier families and went to fight
    for our country. Even Gandhi neglected his family to free our country.
    I think even though at that particular moment the deed of one leaving his
    dependents without support doesn't look good..once these great souls attain
    whatever they have searched for that deed tends to get justified. the end
    justifies the means...
  • in case of vivekananda and buddha how do you know that they attained what
    they searched for? how can you verify that they made the end justify thier
  • I feel if everybody bothers about their family what will happen to the soceity and what difference between human and animal
  • I think the reason why Vivekanada and Buddha and others like him are revered
    even after so many years is that, they
    belived in their ideals and dared to do it in their day today life. Only a
    very few could dare to do what they really belive in.
    That is why even when some criticize them for their actions many see them as
  • hmmm, interesting...

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