hello! where r their descendants?
  • hello friends!
    as we know that in those olden days kings had andhapuram
    and also had so many wives. so naturally they must have had many
    children.so it is impossible that all the descendants of chola or
    pandyan kingdom are destroyed. i am sure their royal bloodline still
    exist. do you have any idea about such a royal family existing like
    those in the north example: jaipur royal family. if any one of u have
    any information please kindly share
  • Pardon me if i strike a discordantnote!
    The days of the dynasties are over.
    The posterity remembers persons only if they are
    remarkable enough to do good to the society (or bad
    for that matter). The various dynasties that we hear
    from the Mauriyan, kushan, moghul etc. or from the
    tamil kingdom viz., chera chola and Pandyan left
    behind cultures which were assimilated by the future
    As far as Tamil nadu is concerned the last vestiges of
    the erstwhile rulers exist in the form of Thondimans,
    The Bonsles of Tanjore and The Prince of Arcot in
    After the abolition of Privy Purse even the rulers
    who had power and money were stripped of both and eak
    out a poor living and have merged with the common
    having nothing of their own specific to remember. A
    case in point is the various families left in the
    lurch by the Nizam of Hyderabad.
    There are honorable exceptions in the form of
    Maharaja of Travancore and cochin Maharaja who are
    otherwise wise rulers and their lineage continues
    albeit in a very quiet way. The Chitri Thirunal and
    the present Maharaja who presented the Chitra Tirunal
    Award to Dr Pillai are remembered for their simplicity
    and munificence.
    In the North esp in Rajasthan the ruling families
    still retain some hold of their erstwhile subjects
    because of their contribution to the society. Many of
    the royal palaces have and are being converted into
    Luxury hotels to be maintained as there is no state
    support. Smt Gayathri Devi of Rajasthan, The Scindias
    of Madya Pradesh and Dr Karan Singh of Kashmir now in
    the Congress in particular are the names that are
    remembered not because of their dynasty but by their
    noteworthy contribution. Jaya chamaraja wodiyar the
    erstwhile governor of tamilnadu a man of many parts
    was perhaps the tallest of them all.
    I have forgotten to add a very imp. point. You have
    now dynasties of Political Leaders, of film stars
    Industrialists etc. who are dime a dozen!

  • Hi

    there is a zamindar family in pichavaram near chidambaram which still
    "crowns" a king in nadaraja temple chidambaram. they claim to be
    descendants of the cholas.

    of course we do not have lots of royal families here that claim a
    lineage as long as the rajputs.

    the thondaimans of pudukottai and ramnad setupathis are relatively
    newer clans.
    the royal family of sangli in maharastra and tanjore descend from
    shivaji's family.

    but then there was a series of articles on the net on the different
    groups claiming a lineage from the mighty mugals.
    one calcutta stream, one hyderabad stream and one in pakistan.

    atleast one of the groups runs a tea shop for surviaval today
  • the inputs are really good.
    yours sincerely,
  • The other family is the "Panthalam" family that claim
    to be decendants of Pandyas and that lord Ayyappa was
    born as a son in their family line.
  • Venkat, we should meet this family from our yahoo
    groups ( call me in for joining ) and trust us and
    provide some evidance from the past in support of
    their claim - some truths might unfold...
  • Hi

    there was an article in junior vikadan about the pichavaram family.

    in which they claimed the chidambaram temple was locked every night
    and the key deposited at pichavaram. it was hotly refuted by the
    the dikshithars say unlike other temples the chidambaram temple is
    locked from inside and not outside. this is because some of the
    dikshitars have to take turn to sleep and guard the temple from

  • interesting.. makes sense that we should meet them.

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