Hi This is mainly with respect to the question "Who is Nandini?" The answer to this is not very simple I guess (if u go by what the History actually would have been)and a lot of things have to be brought to light before answering this. Instead of answering this question I would like to write a lot other things i learnt in the last couple of days during my travel to the Chola kingdom of Rajaraja chola....I had been on a religious trip to some temples near kudanthai n trichy and i happened to see the Pallippadai which Rajendra chola, son of raja raja chola has built for Panchavanmaadevi (one of the wives of Rajarajan). The question now is why did rajendra build a temple for only one of his stepmothers(n note it : not even for his mother?) n even then why only to this stepmother?! Please try n ponder over it... In the meanwhile i will try n compose a mail of all that i have learnt in the past few days from Mr. Sundhar Bhardawaj, who is an ardent fan of kalki, a very close friend of Balakumaran n who is spending a lot of his efforts in unearthing the chola history especially around the time of rajaraja chola... I am not as good a story teller as he is... but i will try my best n pass on the information to you asap... Bye till then Lavanya
Dear Chola history lovers, This is a sort of continuation to the last mail I sent you... Please remember this is only a very feasible theory... During the war against the Pandyas, where "Veera Pandiyan" was defeated(which is quoted in PS also), sundara chozha had sent his son Aadithya Karikaalan and his brother Kandaraathithya Chozha's offspring Madhuraanthagan(later Uttama Chozha) to win the war against the Pandyas. Thw war was won but Veera Pandiyan had escaped. It was Aditya who chased him to his hiding and killed him. In the meanwhile, we should remember that the mixup of characters need not have happened at all. The original Madhuraanthagan must really have wanted the kingdom and so when aadithya(the crowned orince then) went on tis chase, he might have got in touch with the terrorists like Ravidhasan who must have promised Madhuraanthagan to win his kingdom back by killing the crown prince. The fact that Uttama chozhan had given Ravidhasan a very high position and gave hime control which is valid over all the three chozha regions( the original chozha empire, the extended chozha empire and the foreign lands like lanka n other islands captured by the chozha empire). There is a kalvetttu to prove this. will touchupon this point later. Rajarajan must have sensed the danger from Uttama Chozhan who removed Aniruddha Brahmaraayar n appointed his own minister called Nakkan(i am sorry i dont know his full name) who happens to have adopted "Thillai Azhagi" ( a dancer) or Panchavanmadevi(one of the wives of Rajaraja as mentioned in my previous mail). Of course there might have been some subtle means by which he finds out that the ruling king had something to do with the murder of his brother aadithya. So, he is also in a perpetual danger from the king who would expect him to create problems and would have always been watching his actions lest it should disturb his rule. During sich a time, he must have married this panchavanmadevi mostly for political reasons. Her father, the minister must have helped in revealing the secrets of the king and the most powerful minister (ravidhaasan). When he comes to power he captures all the lands of this minister and his asociates and makes all his family leave the country. This is there in one kalvettu. This kalvettu only speaks of Ravidhasan as holding the high positions in Uttama Chozhas rule. (as i had quoted earlier in this mail). Thus Panchavanmaadevi became the queen to help restore Rajarajan to power and help take revenge of his brother's murder. But she had promised that she wouldnt create any sort of competition to Rajendra chozha's rule. Moreover, Rajendra was also brought up y this queen. That is why Rajendra had a spl. comsideration and created a pallipadai for this great queen. that is it for this mail, more in other mails.
Maduranthaka Devar who went to the Battlefields along with Aditya was not the original son of Kandaraditta.(he was having good contacts with Ravidasan..he was just a Bait)
Senthan amudhan was the original son of Kandaradhitta and he is the uttama choza who ruled the chola kingdom b4 rajaraja.
Senthan amudhan does not have any relationship with Manthiravadhi Ravidasan .This kalvattu which talks about this Minister must be a different Ravidasan...!!
yes thats true... initially i was baffled reading lavanya's mail. i thought that i had totally misunderstood ps. your mail clarifies it. one more thing.. i remember reading in the latest edition of ps that uttama chola ruled the kingdom well and after that rajaraja cholan just took over from him. ( my understanding is that it was peaceful). from my understanding of characters, i cannot imagine senthan amuthan who later became uttama chola(whom i think is what lavanya is referring to) and who is supposedly a siva bhakta, trying to do political plots, remover aniruddhar and stuff like that...this man was not willing to rule the empire even when he knew that he was entitled to the throne. how could he plot against adhithakarikalar when he did not even have the guts to reveal a simple thing as love to poonguzhali? there is a mix up somewhere or i have misunderstood. pls clarify.
Prathiba Natesan (979) 260 3992/ (979)8623802/ (979) 4580126 "Two roads diverged in a wood and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference"- Robert Frost
The plot to override athiththa karikala was done by "duplicate" madhuranthakan along with sambuvaraiyar and sinna pazuvettaraiyar (his father-in-law), Unfortunately adiththa died.
Senthan amuthan ruled the kingdom with a historical name of "uththma Chola". Agreed he was very timid and calm before knowing he was the son of kandaradhitta..But the Magic of power and authority will change anyone...and he has to play by the rules of his position...right..??
Hi that is correct acc. to the PS by kalki... the problem is all these are actually the same person and kalki, an ardent lover of the cholas did not want to protray a chola king badly. In fact it is the same character n we shd acceot that as a writer he is permitted that much of twists in his tale... I hope this convinces u... now u can imagine how things are... there was no senthan amudhan.. it is just that the madhuranthagan became an uttamn in betwen n proved to be a good person, got hold of the kingdom. It is there in the kalvetu that this uttama chozhan had ravidhasan as his minister... I hope things are clear now though it is extremely difficult for all us PS lovers to contradict what kalki has written... in fact is not actually a contradiction... just a twist which is granted to a fiction writer... not all that kalki has writen is completely history, isnt it?!!! That is ti for now Lavanya
There might be inscriptions supporting the fact that chola Kingdom was ruled by uttama Chola. But we do not know for sure that It was not senthan amudhan.
also, the people of chola Kingdom were totally against Maduranthakan because of his conspiracy against sons of sundara chola.
So, I am still finding it very difficult to beleive that senthan amudan never existed. I also know the fact that PS is also a fiction based on Chols Empire. But I dont agree that since kalki likes cholas very much, he has not written bad about uttama chola.Though PS is a master piece, Kalki has written about other kings also. Even in PS, he has written lot of bad things about Adiththa karikala - showing him as a Lunatic, and becuase of that people's support was more for rajaRaja.
Adiththa karikalan is also a chola King....!!!
ANyway, thanks for the Response. If you know anything about "thiruvalankaatu seppeedukaL" in net, let me know.
> > Dear Uma, > > That is a differnt Lavanya. She helped me with the first brush with our one and only SB. > > -- ram
Hey Ram,
where are you these days? I am going through the first 100 mails ( which ever is available) and pleasantly surprised to see where the group has reached in these years.....
I am sure in the coming years, we can move more positively towards restoration and preservation of the historically important places. Looks like, it is time to register our group as a Trust with its objectives well-defined.