The "Deveraja" Concept-II
  • Samithi and sabha were 2 bodies of ministers and council which
    controlled the unlimited powers of the king. Prajapathi - as
    mentioned in the vedas - is but a personification of the governing
    body. Personification is a frequent occurence in sanskrit literature
    and it confuses a novice present day reader.

    Time and again, kings rose to power during which period the council
    was subordinate since the king was all too powerful. Compare this
    with a very charismatic politician of today. When he seems
    invincible he does not bother too much about the council as he is
    confident that he has the support of people. Same case

    Different kinds of yagnas were introduced to sanctify the king and
    establish powers. Rajasuya, Vaajapeya, Aswametha - all were
    characterized by animal sacrifices. Animal sacrifices in general are
    less pronounced versions of Human sacrifices. Even as far as
    Mahabharatha period, we find human sacrifices. Aravaan gives up his
    life so that pandavas can win the war.

    As one reads the history of the world, the overall thought process
    of human has been more or less the same irrespective of geography -
    class and creed.

    The kings of 3rd and 2nd milleneum in egypt were considered gods by
    their subjects. Even as far as 1 AD this continued - Julius ceaser
    statue was worshipped in greece temples.

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