The other think I notice in the Vathapi Vinayagar article was the unneccessary use of Vadamozhi(Sanskrit) in it.I shouldnt object because I have a Shri in my name....
But if we criticize people for being addicted to western cultures and use of english language...then using Sansrit letters is equally critizizable
But it comes from the tallest order of Tamil hindu Clergy but still a error is an error isnt it
Dear All, Cerainly when everything is relative....what is good for one,may not be good for another, while it may be bad...but there are certain points when everything bcomes one and accepted by all. Remove whatever ur caste, or religion or language and think as a human, and read to "LEARN" if interested to dispel the darkness and this mail is for those who are interested to "LEARN", not for those who are trying to defend "English" for you are in a losing side in the years to come... "Among the many evils of foreign rule, this blighting imposition of a foreign medium upon the youth of the country will be counted by history as one of the greatest. It has sapped the energy of the nation, it has estranged them for the masses, it has made education unnecessarily expensive. If this process is still persisted in, it bids fair to rob the nation of its soul. The sooner, therefore educated India shakes itself free from the hypnotic spell of the foreign medium, the better it would be for them and the people." Sanskrit -root If Kambar could accept it, today's so called Tamils cann't WHY, So? If seriously interested in learning, learn it here all... Don't be a victim to the designs of divide and rule, even if any rootless rabble rousers falls, the sacredness of Indian soil will take care its Dharma........... WHO IS RESPONSIBLE, here comes from his own words, and don't make further ignorances from the result of 200 year old "English" so called education...for Rooted Indians are better in their wisdom......pple are talking of Ayurvetha treament, Yoga and so are some proofs discussing about "English" usage and foolishly defending, what the "English" have left.So called Brahmins have long time left their works, but as the lessons are clear, they still move on with the force of their anscestors work...but it does not mean that all Brahmins are in that side..and it will never be..."Vaazhka Anthanar Vaanavar Aninam..." so goes the songs....Try to learn why the English man said, "Discovery of Vedas is more important than discovery of America". or Why was "Every dust in India is sacred to me" as Swami Vivekananda... Regards to ROOTED INDIANS, Mathav
What can be expected from students who learn to call,"General" for massacre at Jalianwallabagh or to call "Lords" for those who "impose" everything including the way to education medium....Reading the first para of the mail gives the answer...
Interesting topics with lots of inputs...learners delight...shall I say.I am stunned by the flow of mails. An average of 15 mails per day. I find it difficult to just read and corelate the conversations..truely a learners delight.
Cholas conquering the himalayas..why its not possible??? When conquering lands across seas like Lanka, sumatra, java, etc were possible, why not Himalayas, is my question. Just think of those days, 1000 years back, when no means of communication was there. cholas went in 100s of ships to unseen lands and conquered them. If that is possible, I think conquering Himalayas is quite easy, because its all through the lands and only ganges in between, which is nothing compared to the vast oceans they already conquered. Again, as already pointed out in this group, tamil culture is very old that we have mention of pandian kings in the mahabaratha war. I have some more info. All accept that ramayana is much older than Mahabaratha, quite a 100 years or even 1000s of years. In Bala Kandam of Ramayana, while teaching Rama, Lakshmana, Bhartha and chatrugna, Vishvamitra tells them about the greatness of Lord Muruga. Again, in Kishkintha kandam, when Anuman first meets Rama, he thinks that Rama is as beautiful as Lord Muruga. We all know, Lord Muruga is very much related to Tamil and tamil nadu and if Ramayana has mention about Lord Muruga, then we can assume that Tamil and Tamil culture can be older than Ramayana..isnt it great???
Coming to the topic of our history being destroyed by western style of education...well mathavaramanan, a very good mention of those. I feel this awareness is slowly picking up. Indina culture and history is not what we read and think what it is. it is not limited to just 2500 BC starting with the aryans. The crux of the story is...
The Europeans,especailly the Britishers thought that they were the supreme and their growth is the best in the world. But when they stumbled upon India and came to know about the richness and the greatness of the country, they faced a nosecut. They were not able to digest the greatness of India, its vedas, its upanishads, its rich knowledge and the great history. They wanted to project that everything started from the west and hence formed the Aryan Invasion theory. As we all read, aryans were westerners who invaded India and came in from the west, through the gulf region. The actual meaning of 'Arya' in sanskrit is 'Learned','cultured' man and it never meant a race, as its used today. Its also said that these facts were insisted by some available evidences like harappa and mohanjodaro excavations and some imaginary theories like aryan invasion etc. Its a pity that no true Indian has ever written the History of India and only the Europeans wrote the History of India, which we read today. Even if Some India writes Indian History, its all based on the writing of the Europeans.
Any logical thinking can show that, all these vedas, upanishads, puranas, kavyas, all the literary works, the rich culture, tradition, rituals, beliefs, practices, way of life, architecture, you think all these can be accomplished in such a short span of 2500 years. And if Harappa and Mohanjodaro are were the first civilisation which started around 2500BC, is it possible for such a great nation to achive so much excellence with so varied culture and tradition within 2000 years or so. We have ample proof that by 500BC - 1AD or so we have good civilized society, Ashoka the great, Buddha, Adi sankara, sangam literature, Mahavira, Chandragupta maurya, etc etc all these possible in just 2500 years? We all know that Islam came to India some 1000 years back. Even after 1000 years, if there is no unity between Hindus and Muslims in India, how come its possible for such a vast civilization in India, in different regions, with different language, different religion to live in Harmony, in just 2500 years after the first civilization. Though today we say Hindus, it was only Adi sankar who united all the sanathana dharma sects into one. Earlier saivites were fighting with vaishnavites, and buddists were fighting with jains, and so and so forth. We had atlest four religions then. Taking all this into account, its impossible to restrict the first civilization to 2500 bc.How idiotic?
THE REASON : As highlighted earlier, the Europeans wanted to prove their dominance and distorted Indian History. Britishers were good at divide and Rule and hence divided the society based on Religion, caste and creed. They wanted to prove their dominance always and so restricted the age of vedas to around 2000bc. And we blind Indians never questioned it and blindly followed it. Any opposing feelings were suppressed. And thus we have the so called History today distored, and people divided by caste and creed and hatred all along. Even after Independence due to various political benefits this was not corrected. Thanks to the communists and the erstwhile congressmen who contributed to it..Nehru in his Discovery of India has said that, without the Muslim Rulers, Indian art and architecture would not have flourished. I think he never visited any part of India to see masterpeices like Brahadeeswara temple in Tanjavoor or the Somnath Temple or the Puri Jagannath temple or the Sun Temple of Konark and so on so forth. So with the full support of such western patriots, our culture was further tarnished.
The communists never wanted anything to flourish and always opposed to anything related to the Hindu culture. With anti-brahminical sentiments the history was distored. I think casteism is at its worst only in the past 100-200 years. And since all the vedas and upanishads were considered to be written by Brahmins, these western patrons never gave them the due respect.
The story in Tamil Nadu is no differet. Here again the Dravidian movement which is inturn an anti-brahminical movement did the same to distort our history and tradition. As Priya rightly said, all the tamil literary works were related to Relion and the dravida kazhagams never gave them the due respect.
I strongly feel that such caste distaste is prevailing only for the past 200 years or so. As rightly pointed out in, the varnasrama never paved way for dishormony in the society for 1000s of years, but breaking this system, we are no more united only in the past few 100 years..i would say from the day the europeans came into India.
There had so many mail exchanges in the recent past, when I had put forth the question, "whether India was really Aryanised" I stumbled too many articles, which speak for and against the theory.
Does any of you, this book "Gods Sages and Kings" will be available? I have tried the landmark & Higgginbothams at Bangalore. If any of u can give me the landmark and higginbothams contact numbers at Chennai, I shall query with them.
Nice that messages crossed the 5000th mark and membership nearing 500.
Thanks for your mails.
Re Westernisation, I was opting for more inflows on the historical side of Kanmdradithan or so. However, re compairing in TV, hardly any originality. Priya was a trend setter in early years of telecast. Accent, dress, modulations west-imitated, but content "Manmatharaasa... ". I was opining only on this.
Re Rehman's song .. yeah .. it is good to go around South at this part of time and enjoy green pastures.
Re Himalayan conquor etc., I agree these things would have taken place and really would have been amazing. Kudavoil wrote an article in Kumbakonam Mahamaham special issue titled "Aavi mudal THAAVI varai ". - quoting a Thevaram of Thirunavukkarasar - interpreting that the "Thavi" was really " Jammu Thaawi" and tried to establish that Thirunavukkarasar really visited "Mount Kalailash" (as shown in Thiruvarutchelvar movie - played so well by Chevlr.Sivaji) !
It was also said that from Srivillipurthur to Madurai "Bell Towers" were constructed & spaced so that Thirumalai Nayak took food after hearing "Uchikaala" bell of offerings to Aandaal. That was a codified way of communication. Like wise any such method was followed in those days by the Kings to send and receive important messages - was my inquisiteness. Kalki writes of "Owling " " Lighting of flame- torches " (Like striking matches in Robert Ludlum's novels) being some forms of communications.
Re young New Members, very good mails are flowing regularly which are rich, informative and enjoyable. As we used to discuss, they are going to be the Torch Bearers of our Rich and Valuable Traditions in the Centuries to come.
When we are really talking of Globalisation now - as (Sir) Sri pointed out rightly - communicating in the English language - aryanisation etc., should be looked at from broader perspectives ... As Meenakshi wrote of Vandhiyathevan - Kundavai meet in the 23rd Century sometime back - thanks to Marathadi - there are possibilities of our becoming mere NUMBERS and LANGUAGES becoming Dots / Codes ! May be we are in a cycle already.
As Mr Satish and Ms Piriya have been mentioning that Tamil literature works greatly related to religion.
Because of anti-religious Dravidan parties these texts have not been getting its prominance especially after congress rule in TN,about 35 years ago.
These party leaders change their names to pure Tamil names like Nedunchezhian etc targetting only Hindu names but they do not mind in names like Shahul Hameed or Stalin or Peter Alphonse.They do not want names from north india but they accept names from Arabia or western countries. (this is just to point out their indifference, no intent to hurt any members of other religion)
Even so called pure Tamil party's leader name and their party symbol "Udaya sooryan' are sanskrit names.Forget about their TV's name etc.Are their sons and grand children are studying in Tamil medium while they advocate every thing to be in Tamil?