Discovery of ancient cave paintings in Petra stuns art scholars
  • I wonder what it would take to bring these conservators to Sittanavasal...
  • Another option is to train folks who are artists in India in restoration science taught in several Italian and French universities, particularly the one in Bologna. I also wonder if that science developed for European paintings can be easily extrapolated for the Indian paintings, which I believe are compositionally quite different; organic as opposed to inorganic (?). Raj Mutharasan
  • Great ideas! But where would the money, for training & painstaking
    time involved, come from?
  • Dear Katherine,

    Money also may be arranged to be allocated.

    Problem is interference from Certain other Quarters.

    But what to do.. some how these are to be accomplished very slowly - but surely.

    you mail on Somaskanda panel is infecting enthusiasm.!!

    warm rgds / sps

  • Hi Kathie -

    I don't believe money is a serious issue. That can always be garnered. I think it is an issue of leadership. Perhaps influential members of this forum can suitably initiate such and other ideas with appropriate administrators/scientists/scholars.

    Raj Mutharasan
  • Dear friends,
    It can be done on the lines of music concerts bring sponsored by philanthropic business houses during December season, for more than forty and odd sabas each arranging more than eighteen two or three weeksprograms in about twenty days are more.

  • I would prefer conservation than restoration. Maybe a good effort to
    recreate in an exhibit is ok. Restoration like the one in kailasantha
    make them loose their antique charm !

  • dear Raj

    Firstly - sittanvasal is a jaina site. I have seen with such sponsorship
    drives, is that the corporates are rather selective in shrines and even
    deities which they want to promote. I know of someone who prepared a
    complete blue print on how to recreate sittanavasal with an onsite parallel
    exhibition like installation - so you go to the conserved shrine and then
    take the tour through the recreation to see how it would have looked in its
    hey days

    He took this to many corporates and even Jaina organisations - still waiting
    for someone to take it on.
  • Adding to that, the corporates want to do some modification in the structure itself as advised by their vastu/jyodish consultatnts.
  • Dear VJ

    That sounds like a large development project. As Sankar suggested, small regular donation from Heritage Lovers could potentially provide funding of some sorts. There must be talent in this group to develop a preliminary business plan to determine feasibility.

    Raj Mutharasan
  • That's for sure. Kailas. looks terrible in areas where figures have
    been reshaped--- All that beauty underneath, covered in uninspired
    I feel fortunate to have seen most of it before that was done.

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