Padavedu - Gudmallam, Kotravai, Murugan
  • Whensome say Murugan and Kotravai are not vedic Gods - need to check.


    a- Vedas have portion like Durga Sooktham which glorifies Durga - Is Durga different from Kotravai? I will check on Duraga in Vedas with my Contacts and come back by Sunday.

    b- Simillarly will check and come back on Muruga in Vedas.

    Fortunately one of a great exponent on Satapata Brahmana ( aged 95) mentioned in the above site lives close to my house and i will collect Muruga in Satapata Brahmana and give details on sunday.
  • First define veda then lets define vedic gods rite?
    Whether Murugan and Kotravai are vedic gods - will make sense if we define veda from the human point of time in those days.

    - R

    To analyse  Kotravai in Vedas , we need not look into the period of vedas.
    But the period of vedas is relevant only when we want to decipher the Indus fig as Murugan . Am i right?
    Hence we need to analyse two different things.
    1. Murugan, Kotravai are vedic Gods
    2. Vedic period to ascertain the Indus fig.

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