Sri Koorathazhwar -1000th Year Completion - 02/02/2010
  • Hi All,

    On 2ndFeb 2010 - 1000th Year of completion of sri Koorathazhwar..
    Year Name / Aandu - Virodhi
    Month / Maadham - Thai
    Star / Nakshathram - "Hastham".

    This year date - 2nd Feb, 2010.

    Though there was no historical evidence of the below para.. posting this to
    start discussion.. or is there is a evidence for this?

    *Koorathazhvan’s Sacrifice* – The King of ChozhanAd at that time,
    Krimikantha Cholan, was a tyrant who was also a Saivite fanatic. His name
    was Krimikantha Chola of the clan of the Kollutunga kings. This tyrant was
    hell-bent on rooting out Vaishnavism in his kingdom and the best way to do
    that, he thought, was to destroy Ramanuja. The king invited Sri Ramanuja for
    a scholarly debate on religion. However, Ramanuja’s followers got wind of
    the king’s evil designs. Sri Ramanuja had gone to the river for bath then
    and Azhvan volunteered to go as Ramanuja’s proxy and respond to the royal
    summons. At the court the King thrust a written declaration in their faces
    which read:”Nothing higher than Siva exists”, and commanded them both to
    affix their signatures to it without protest. Azhvaan refused and
    cited various texts from Vedas, Upanishads & Puranas to prove that Sriman
    Narayana was the Supreme Power. Thrusting a writing-quill into Kuresan’s
    hands he commanded Kuresan again to forthwith sign the declaration swearing
    allegiance to Siva. “If you refuse we shall have your eyes pulled out here
    and now!”. On hearing this Kuresan flew into a greater rage. He grabbed the
    quill from the King’s hands and said, “But let me save you the trouble, you
    tyrant, for I shall pluck out my eyes by my own hand! These eyes that have
    set sights on a sinner such as thee have no further use for me!“. So saying
    Kuresan plunged the sharp writing-quill into his own eyes,and extracting
    ball from socket threw his eyes on the floor at the King’s feet!


    URL abt SKA - in English and in Tamil and
  • "" The King of ChozhanAd at that time, Krimikantha Cholan, was a tyrant who was also a Saivite fanatic. His name was Krimikantha Chola of the clan of the Kollutunga kings
    .. "

    Dear Ramnath Mani,

    This discussion will lead to Saiva - Vaishnavites devide.
    would like to terminate further discussion.

    Since you posted, let me put some view points in response and it is open to members to carry through private mails ::

    If 2010 is the 1000th year, Koorathazhwar is supposedly born in 1010 AD when RRC was alive. Kulothunga I came to power in 1070-71 AD.
    Kulothunga I , his son vikrama covered almost next 60 years.

    Kulothunga I widely discussed in our Group.. Kuladeiyvam : Narasimhar. Maximum grants to srirangam temple.

    Neither Kulothunga I, nor Vikrama is KIRUMI KANDA CHOLAN.

    Already Koorathazhwar crossed 120 years life span.

    Let us look at Kulothunga II - who honoured PERIYAPURAM SEKKIZHAR !?

    Is he Kirumikanda Chozhan ?

    With Kulothunga I - Vikrama - Kulothunga II - NOT BEING KIRUMI KANDA CHOLAN - the subject moves far away... if Koorathazhwar was really born on 1010 AD.

    Hope you see the logistics ..

    Recall Dr. Kudavoil's interview recently in Junior Vikadan.

    There is an ORGANISED on CHOLAS being Primarily Saivites and projecting them as INTOLERANT to other Faiths - including Vaishnavism ...

    Those who have read of the CHOLAS will disagree that they are anti-Vaishnavites...

    We have respected members from various Faith ..

    Let us terminate further discussion...

    thanks for providing opportunity to explain.

    By the way, heard you are getting to back to India.

    Have you returned from Singapore dear ?

    pls stay in touch.

    regards / sps
  • Dear SPS Sir,

    Txs fo the detailed email.

    Yes. I am back in Chennai 2 weeks back and still settling down.

    My contact no will be +91-95661-33365.

    Will def'ly keep in touch and call you by this week.

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