• Hi
    da vinci lived from April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519
    who were his indian counterparts during that age.
    what major building were done during that time?

    The Mughal Empire imperial power of the Indian subcontinent which began in 1526 a decade after da vinci died.
    so the lodi dynasty must be his contemprories.
    Sri Krishna Deva Raya (1509-1529 CE) was the most famous king of Vijayanagara empire was his contemprory
    art and architecture of vijayanagar is of the same time as davinci.

    In 1498, Vasco da Gama rounded the Cape of Good Hope and landed at Calicut. In 1510 Portuguese admiral Afonso de Albuquerque attacked Goa and captured the city,

  • Hi

    some other contemprory people of da vinci

    columbus ,
    guru nanak ,
    Vlad III Dracula,
    martin luther


    coming to think of it do we have a list of contemprory people of RRC or rajendra?

  • Does anyone want to talk of Vlad III Dracula?? :)) Classic case of history becoming myth...
  • vlad the impaler

    immortalised by bram stroker. otherwise most of us wont know of him

    Vlad became crown prince took place at age 17, during the same year of his release from Turkish captivity, in 1448. he was a hostage there for years and that moulded his cruelty.
    Vlad the Impaler is known for the exceedingly cruel punishments he imposed as ruler of Wallachia, however the people of Romania refer to Vlad as a savior to their nation and continue to justify his method of torture as not uncommon for that period in history. he is considered a defender of Wallachia against Ottoman expansionism.

    there is even a bust for him.
  • Yes Romanians hold Vlad the Impaler in high regard. East Europe is sort of a funny mix of history and myth - the dracula legend as invented by Stoker on the basis of several folk tales also holds very strong in Hungary and Romania and ties with christian concept of good versus evil. Tying garlic outside homes to ward off evil again a folk concept is still very common or so I believe. Just a different taste for those of us who thikn these things are peculiar to India.
  • A very nice fiction called "The Historian" is a must read..dealing with the
    Dracula myth and legend. very well written and way better than the Da Vinci
    Code but not many know about it I think.

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