Oriya 's are belongs to North Dravidean catagory
  • Dear PSVP friends

    Oriyas are belongs to North Dravidean community.

    still Oriyas treat Ravana as their hero.

    They are beliving sukirivan ,vali,hanuman as a tribal heros not as a
    monkeys explained by valmik's ramayana being valmiki's is a vaishnava

    and Ravana belongs to saiva community .

    Here at orissa chandrabagha beach near by konark trated as
    worshipping place of vali and ravana for son worshipping.

    As u know Ravana chaya is still famous folk puppet show at orissa

    In India there is an amalgam of 437 tribes, and in Orissa the number
    is sixty two.

    Linguistically the tribes of India are broadly classified into four
    categories, namely (1) Indo-Aryan speakers, (2) Dravidian speakers,
    (3) Tibeto-Burmese speakers, and (4) Austric speakers.

    ln Orissa the speakers of the Tibeto-Burmese language family are
    absent, and therefore Orissan tribes belong to other three language

    The Indo-Aryan language family in Orissa includes Dhelki-Oriya,
    Matia, Haleba, Jharia, Saunti, Laria and Oriya (spoken by Bathudi and
    the acculturated sections of Bhuyans, Juang, Kondh, Savara, Raj Gond

    The Austric language family includes eighteen tribal languages
    namely, Birija, Parenga, Kisan, Bhumiji, Koda, Mahili Bhumiji, Mirdha-
    Kharia, Ollar Gadaba, Juang, Bondo, Didayee, Karmali, Kharia, Munda,
    Ho, Mundari and Savara.

    And within the Dravidian language family there are nine languages in
    Orissa, namely, Pengo, Gondi, Kisan, Konda, Koya. Parji, Kui, Kuvi
    and Kurukh or Oraon.

    S.Balasubramani B+
    Bhubaneswar - Orissa

    Sanskrit or Dravidian?

    Many hypotheses have been put forward about the affinity of the Indus
    language, but only two alternatives have had wider support.

    Indo-Aryan languages have been spoken in the area once occupied by
    the Indus civilisation and gradually all over North India since at
    least 1000 B.C. It is natural to assume that they were spoken there
    even earlier. Speakers of Hindi, Bengali and other Neo-Indo-Aryan
    languages especially have been prone to interpret the Indus texts as
    Sanskrit (understood in the broad sense of Old Indo-Aryan), from
    which their own mother tongues have evolved.

    The Sanskrit hypothesis, however, is difficult to reconcile
    chronologically with the date of the Indus civilisation (about the
    second half of the third millennium B.C.) and antecedent Early
    Harappan neolithic cultures which were responsible for its creation.
    Comparison of the Vedic texts with the Avesta and with the West Asian
    documents relating to the Aryan kings of Mitanni suggests that the
    Vedic Aryans entered the Indian subcontinent from Northeast Iran and
    Central Asia in the second millennium B.C.

    Moreover, it is abundantly clear that the early Aryans were nomads
    and that the horse played a dominent role in their culture, as it did
    in the culture of their Proto-Indo-European-speaking ancestors.

    The horse is conspicuously absent from the many realistic
    representations of animals in the art of the Indus civilisation.
    Comprehensive recent bone analyses have yielded the conclusion that
    the horse was introduced to the subcontinent around the beginning of
    the second millennium B.C.

    Horse-drawn chariots made the Aryan-speaking nomads a superior
    military force which gradually subdued all of North India.
    Numerically the early Aryans can have been only a fraction of the
    Indus population, which is estimated to have been about five million.
    Obviously these millions of people were not all killed; they were
    made to acknowledge the Aryan overlordship and to pay taxes.

    In the course of time and through gradually increasing bilingualism,
    the earlier population eventually became linguistically assimilated.
    It is most unlikely that this process of linguistic Aryanization
    happened without leaving clear marks of the earlier substratum
    language upon Indo-Aryan.

    There are several structural and lexical Dravidisms even in the
    Rgveda, the earliest preserved text collection, pointing to the
    presence of Dravidian speakers in Northwest India in the second
    millennium B.C.

    The 25 Dravidian languages spoken at present form the second largest
    linguistic family of South Asia. Until recently, about one quarter of
    the entire population has spoken Dravidian, while the speakers of
    Austro-Asiatic, the third largest linguistic family of long standing
    in South Asia, numbered just a few per cent.

    The Indus language is likely to have belonged to the North Dravidian
    sub-branch represented today by the Brahui, spoken in the mountain
    valleys and plateaus of Afghanistan and Baluchistan, the core area of
    the Early Harappan neolithic cultures, and by the Kurukh spoken in

    North India from Nepal and Madhya Pradesh to Orissa,

    Bengal and Assam.

    source http://www.harappa.com/script/parpola6.html

    Prof. Hart's comments

    1. Neither Sanskrit nor Tamil are particularly old in the world
    scheme of things. Sanskrit is documented earlier than Tamil.

    2. Sanskrit has borrowed quite as much from Dravidian as Dravidian
    has from Sanskrit. Tamil has borrowed more words from Sanskrit than
    Sanskrit has from Dravidian. It is a trivial thing for a language to
    borrow vocabulary.

    But when it uses another language's syntax to form the way it
    things, and uses another language's phonology for its sounds, that is
    really profound influence. The fact is, Sanskrit HAS been influenced
    in this way by Dravidian. Of course, some Dravidian languages have
    also borrowed Sanskrit sounds (bh, etc.) But none of the four
    Dravidian languages I have read has borrowed anything from Sanskrit
    syntax that I can identify. Much of the syntax of Sanskrit is
    Dravidian, and it has a large Dravidian vocabulary. Its system of
    phonetics is profoundly influenced by Dravidian -- Indo-Aryan is the
    only IE family with retroflexes.

    3. Sanskrit also lacks some sounds that are available in Tamil.
    Tamil has
    short e and o, zh, R, n, and many permutations of stops -- e.g. k in
  • Dera Bala

    Ver nice to read.


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