PS on AIR on Tamil new year day
  • Hi all,

    Today's Dinamani states that PS will be broadcast as a
    drama in AIR on 14th April Tamil Newyear

    MA Eswaran
  • AIR schedules this program from April 9, 2005. Every
    Saturday at 8PM. Tobe broadcast in all stations in
  • That's a wonderful start. I've been wanting to listen to the novel for
    the longest time now, since I'm not very good at reading Tamil. I was
    looking forward to the audio effort started by some members of this

    Is it possible for somebody in this group to capture this broadcast in
    audio file format every week? Since AIR does not have internet
    streaming, members like me who are outside the country will miss out on
    listening to great actors like VS Raghavan, Manohar etc.

    With great expectations,

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