[Poetry In Stone|கல்லிலே கலைவண்ணம் கண்டோம்] Alignment of Kosta devatas in a late Pallava Vishnu shri
  • Poetry In Stone|கல்லிலே கலைவண்ணம்
    கண்டோம் has posted a new item, 'Alignment of Kosta devatas in a
    late Pallava Vishnu shrine - Thiruvidanthai| திருவிடந்தை
    கோஷ்ட வடிவங்கள் - ஒரு பார்வை '


    It was a chance trip to try and fill an " empty" evening in an otherwise
    calender that landed us in Thiruvidanthai. It was peak holiday season and we
    were surprised to see the rather light traffic on the scenic ECR - though a
    overzealous drivers made a mockery of the 40 km/hr [...]

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