உலகிலேயே மிகப்பெரிய வழிப்பாட்டு தலம் - அங்கோர் வாட்
  • Wow!!!!........

    Even i checked Wikpedia after reading the mail about Angkor wat. I wondered
    how Cambodia kings have names like 'Varman' which we read mostly for
    Pallava kings. I even remember in "Sivagamiyin Sabadham' that Kalki says in
    some chapter that "Many foreigners were saying Pallavas are not tamils, but
    Pallavas were the kings who gave us Mahabalipuram for us to be proud of
    Tamils and how could they not be Tamils" and he even mentioned some Chinese
    Buddhist Monk travelled to INdia during Narasimha varman period and he
    mentioned them as Tamils only in his books. Yeah like they said in 7-aam
    Arivu, Tamils kings ruled most parts of southeast Asia and and they would
    be ones who spreaded the civilization, sea trade, culture, martial arts

    Woww!!!..Proud to be a Tamilan and i'm glad i joined this group.

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