Innambur Sri Ezhutharinathar Temple
  • InnamburSriEzhutharinatharTemple

    Sri Ezhutharinathar temple
    located at Innambur Near Kumbakonamhas an interesting history. King
    who ruled that area once wanted his accountant to bring all the accounts
    immediately next day. Accountant did not know what to do as he could not prepare
    all the accounts in one night. He prayed to Lord Siva. He came in the guise of
    the accountant and submitted the accounts to the King. Later the accountant
    came to know that the Lord has done the work for him. As Lord Siva wrote the
    accounts He is called "Ezhutharinathar." It is said that Sun God
    worshipped the Lord. It is said that Sun light falls on the presiding deity on
    a few specified days every year. Sri Appar, one of the four Saivite stalwarts,
    has sung in praise of Lord Ezhutharinathar. His consort is Sri Sukunda
    Kundalambal. Senbaga tree is the ‘sthala virutcham' of the temple.

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