Doubts on chidambaram temple-kandarathitha and paranthaga
  • Hey friends,

    We all know that chola kings laid the chidambaram nataraj temple
    roof with gold.It was paranthaga chola who did that right?I wonder
    what happened to the ponnambalam during muslim invasion.Even now
    that ponnambalam survives,right?How?

    Or was it relaid afterwards by some king?Please clear this doubt.
  • Hi,

    I was reading Kalki's Parthipan Kanavu, and in one instance,
    he quotes Ponnambalam, while describing Chidambaram.
    I was wondering that timeline of Parthipan Kanavu was
    before Paranthaka Cholan right? So did a ponnambalam
    exist during the Narasimha Pallava time or was it Kalki's misquote?

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