Raja Raja dishonour to women
  • Hmmm, quite interesting and intriguing at the same time, will surely like to
    know more details on this.
  • We have discussed many times on this

    1. Kanthalurchalai - a shaolin type - vedic patasala and martial arts acadamy. RRC waged a war

    2. Rajendra's conquest and chalukyan epigraphs on killing of Brahmins during Rajendra's invasion

    3. Saluva Narasimha's army killing Tirumala priests and handing over administration to Vyasaraya

    But as some one said - we can only wake up people who are sleeping.

    Let us go back by 1025 years.

    Sir, whatwill you doif you are Anirudha Bramadirayar and Nandini is arrested and brought before you?
  • Hi Friends,
    My knowledge on Cholas is very very limited hence I wholly depend upon you
    for enlightenment over the topic. I have no idea of the characters mentioned in
    this mail, hence can't comment on this.
    Mr VKR's mail was very surprising hence I want to know if someone is going
    to contest against this or otherwise those statements can be taken true by
    people like me who do not have enough knowledge to judge those statements.
  • Both That question and answerwere not for you.
  • dear Raman

    Can we stick to the relevant portions. Felt the comment about one community
    and brammadeyas were uncalled for here.

    Replying to yours - the tamil portion stops with saying imprisoned - wheres
    the eng ones says enslaved. there is a big difference between a prisoner and
    a slave. While on that topic, the life of royal lady is not without its pit
    falls - and this is not something unique to cholas. Guess this was one of
    the reasons for them to opt for the horrors of Sati. While i say this not to
    support the cholas, but if you would go and read inscriptions of Kullotunga
    after him vanquishing Pandyas etc - and similarly what was done by Sundara
    pandya to Chola is also well documented. there are many thalai konda -
    literally among them.

    On the subject of RJC's hottur campaign - this is not an inscription of his,
    but an inscription from the aggrieved side. So it has be discounted.

    It was war and wars are always ugly as there can only be one victor but both
    sides loose many. So i dont see the reason for this hatred against one side

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