Mahabalipuram - Man among lions - Rajasimha?
  • Hi Friends,
    While going through Vana Parva of Mahabharata, to understand Arjuna Penance
    better, I thought to take a break for a while and go through Krishna Mandapa. We
    have already discussed in one thread ' Narasimha image in Pallava period, about
    an icon of this mandapa which is shown with body of a lion and face of a human.
    Who this could be and what it is doing there?
    I have read earlier about the titles such as 'Man/king among Lions'. There could
    be many phrases depicting same meaning and one of those phrases could be
    'Rajasimha' which literally means 'a king among lions'. If this is accepted then
    does it state that this monument was either executed in his time or extended in
    his time? Can you put some light on such titles which would have taken by some
    Pallava king?
    Somehow many of my thoughts are going to Rajasimha, a theory proposed by James
    Fergusson and R Nagaswamy. However I do not feel that all what is there is of
    his period, I am just thinking aloud and seeing where does all this lead to.

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