Dharmaraha ratha - assignment to Parameshvaravarman I
  • Hi Friends,
    There is one title among the various which was not assumed by
    Narasimhavarman I Mamalla, that is Ranajaya. This title is assumed by
    Parameshvaravarman I along with other like srinidhi, sribhara etc. This suggests
    that this king was somehow involved with this monument. Presence of Narasimha
    and Mahamalla labels suggest that Mamalla was also associated with this.

    What if Narasimha is a title not a name? Narasimha, a lion in a man, could be a
    good title to assume, isn't it? This is a very weird suggestion but is there
    such a possibility?
    This thread only talks about the titles (birudas) but not with the associated
    architecture hence we keep focus on inscriptions only for time being.
  • Saurabh,

    Very nice thought. but Mahendra Varman and his son Narasimha Varman...dont
    they sound like a father son duo? So the possibility of it being his name
    rather than title has more weight age according to me

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