your's openion about RJC's SINDH war
  • dear all,

     I think thatevery one opines that an INTERNATIONAL known fact, why itshould be mentioned.

      IF, you think that RJC's GANGES EXPEDITION is a regular " DIG VIJAYA " which was done by the kings normally to show that " hey, I'm GREATER than you ". PLS ERASE that one from your mind by using LASER.

     why it should be erased.any oneready toagree thatits not theexpediton started against ganges region. Which is ACTUALLYan expeditionof SINDH regions.

    Do any one expect thatthe reason of the ganges war, having a historical back ground about aTWO HUNDRED and FIFTY YEARS, which deals with  four greatempires of UTTARA PATHA .

      thanking you.


    sakthi sree

  • dear Sree

    There are both sides to a coin. Before we jump to conclusions lets look at
    both sides. for eg, for the Kadaram Campaign - you find the only references
    from the chola side. However, other circumstantial evidence has been taken
    to collaborate facts. similarly, can you first paint a picture of which all
    were the major dynasties that were ruling in the same period as the ganges
    campaign, other references / evidences - apart from chola annals that you
    would use to substantiate this campaign
  • dear sir,

      thank you very much sir. in my Further mails I willtry togive the clear details with its referrences, to ensure that why i said these words.

      thanking you

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