Pallava Dynasty - Mahendravarman I - Ekambareshvar temple connection
  • Hi,
    I quote here a reference from the same book which I am referring for my current
    Pallava study. Dubreuil, in the conclusion of his book, states that there are
    references of structural temples before the period of Mahendra. Though much of
    the research was already done however he decided to try his luck. He quotes that
    he found a mandapam which was built of stones collected from various places in
    Ekambaranathaswamin temple. Many of the pillars were in Pallava style. On one of
    the pillar he found an inscription where many birudas of Mahendravarman were
    engraved like Abhimukha, Chitrakarapuli, Vambara and Kurrambu. Chitrakarapuli is
    found at Pallavaram and Kurrambu, Vambara & Abhimukha found at upper cave at

    Location of this mandapa - Temple priest call this Paurmani Mandapam. It is in
    second enclosure of the temple and is tacked onto the thousand pillar mandapam.
    It is to the west of grand gopuram which serves as the entrance to thousand
    pillar mandapam. This grand gopuram is called Palli gopuram. Paurnami mandapam
    has a facade of 6 pillars which are probably of Pallava origin. Only one pillar
    has inscription.

    If anyone is in Kanchi, can it be verified? I am not sure whether this
    inscription has been published in EI/SII or any other official epigraph series.


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