Pallava Dynasty - History and Myths
  • Dear Members,
    I am starting with Pallavas now, after getting free from my MP trip work. I have
    done some reading on this previously however everytime I start it looks new. I
    have few books on Pallavas and would be quoting the text here so that I can
    discuss on that and later on put to my blog. As you are would be aware that the
    ancient history of Pallavas is not much clear. My approach is like this, I take
    one of the earliest study as my foundation. Later on I will put new studies on
    this foundation and see if this can survive, otherwise I will adapt to the
    latest discoveries.
    I am not sure if something like this has been already discussed in this group,
    if yes then please let me know of the archives and I will take help from those.
    Below is given Part 1 of the articlewith reference to "The Pallavas by G
  • dear Saurabh

    Nice start. There is lot of work done post this book - especially in light
    of new evidences and inscriptions. yet there is no critical edition yet of
    pallava genealogy. the reference from plates is what we should take first -
    as this is the version that the kings patronised - atleast for a few
    generations upwards it right - and not from the divine aswathama origins.
    Lets first list down the plates /inscriptions that give the geneology
  • Naming grnad child on Maternal Grandfather.

    Yes exists but not for the first child. That denotes that the person is second or third male child.

    This practise was in use in South where marriages happened with

    a. Between Cousins
    b. Girl Marrying her own Uncle ( mama)
  • Though I do not see option a or b applicable here however a Pahlava minister
    marrying daughter of Andhra king, would prefer to name his child on the name of
    the maternal grandfatherto show respect towards tha Andhra king.......seems
    quite probable, isn't it?

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